Who makes the rules?

Haven’t started anything here in a while.

So I’ll make this one a good, long never ending discussion.

Who makes the rules?

Who says that killing is illegal?

Why is theft bad?

**Warning, if you’re religious, your point in this argument is clear and wouldn’t be beneficial in discussion, however if you’re an Atheist, well enjoy your stay.

I’ll be playing devils advocate the entire time.

Aaaand go!


Vov whats your Favorite thing you own ?

The Illuminani
sorry i had to

in for good discussion. my opinion is religion-based but im not an idiot so i can step back and take a non-believer’s perspective too

Go on…

My body.


But lets think about it, all “ethics” are relative and so are the rules and vary from country to country greatly.

Why do people feel “bad” for killing somebody? Why feel bad for stealing somebody elses property? What if your government uses your money without your permission on things you don’t approve? (Bailouts) Is that theft? Stealing a dollar from a multibillion dollar company which is it’s own entity and is not owned by anybody but itself which is a non living thing, is that punishable?

The white man




is that Andy?

I think that feeling “bad” for killing, theft, whatnot, is instilled from birth. It is the previous generation that “agrees” that these things are wrong, and passes it down. If you were born and left to live in the woods, you would most likely adapt to killing for food, aside from berries and such. You most likely wouldnt bother killing an insect as there is little to gain from it. But you would kill a rabbit for a decent meal. With the advancement of technology and everything, there is no need to go out and hunt said rabbit, and there really hasnt been for years(besides sport). So depending on your parents, changes your view on things.

Does that make any sence or am I a bit off?



Politicians are in the end elected by us no?

So then the government is a murdered as it allows for capital punishment by death row, and allows it’s citizens to go into warfare where they allow others to be killed, innocent civilians included.

What makes something “somebody’s” and if it’s theirs, why do they have to pay for the right to “own” it? (tax). We are all creatures, and there is no such thing as “theft” in nature, the biggest guy on the scene takes the pray.

That is correct. Killing is omni present throughout history to this day. In modern day (in this country) it’s justified as self defense or once you have a military contract.

You’re close, just got off on a slight tangent.

Killing is bad however there is always a “but” which makes it quite rational and accepted. Which goes to the question, who makes the rule to make it “ok”.

The Bandwagon makes the rules, goverment figures and those who follow blindly. They can say Murder is illegal but if a tree falls in the forrest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?

Who the fuck is Andy? :lol

Ugh this whole thing is tricky because you can throw in politics to undermine things and then there is natures way that completely undermines politics. then we get to be the idiot in the middle

This is the internet, and there are no rules here.

Tell that to China and Iran :ponder

China and Iran don’t actually regulate “the internet” they regulate access to it :wink:

I make the rules you all shut your fucking mouths
