who says white is sexy?

That’s not too bad considering the car was designed over 30 years ago. The look is classic; performance was good for back then.

Your argument is biased, and can easily be flipped saying e30 M3s suck. We know they don’t perform by today’s standards stock, but shit, they were amazing when they were designed.

the look is not classic, they are not sought after for a reason, well the majority aren’t there are a few selected combanations that are. Performance was awful even for back then, again they are turds.

Your argument is biased, and can easily be flipped saying e30 M3s suck. We know they don’t perform by today’s standards stock, but shit, they were amazing when they were designed.

WAT? They still hold their own in road course racing, and I am not comparing them to cars of now, compare them to a C2 vette and they are slower.

Wait Stringray’s are not classic’s that are also not sought after?

I love the C2 vette

white on cars :tup:
white on that car :tdown:


All this thread does is make me realize how much any vette that’s not a C6 sucks.

C4 is so fucking ugly.

I was thinking the exact same thing lol



C5’s and C6’s are all right… the 6 moreso, but the 5 is ok