Who want a little extra cash... I need a decent welder.

I am sick of my charge pipe rubbing on my fire wall and cutting the DV hose constantly. My idea is to get some MSC J bends of aluminum pipe and I will do the cutting and piecing together but I don’t have a good enough welder to put it all together and not have leaks and look like balls. I will fit it all up and masking tape it all up to keep the shape… better than just making unions with a marker.

The entire run isn’t going to be much longer than 3 feet or so. Anyone who knows the 1.8t VW engine, it I just need one single piece to replace the stock charger pipe and the rubber piece of shit that used to go into the pancake pipe.

Maybe instead of all the seams to weld up, I could get a straight piece and have a decent shop mandrel bend it for me… but then It will take some of their time, and its isn’t going to be a big money making project so I doubt anyone will want to help.

Anyone have some spare time I will kick a little something your way as well.


Ohh yeah… While I am at it I might as well relocate the DV to the cold side too… so I will need to weld the bung on the other charge pipe I have already.

PM Hank on here

or get ahold of boxersix

i have one you can use…

im a good welder but i dont have a tig welder . i only have a mig. i just noticed its u mike . call inline he is a great tig welder.