Who Wants Some Extra Cash and Knows About Decks?

+1 rep for not eating lol…

I think I will see you at 6 ish today

adhesive heat shrink would allow you to not have to use tape on the ends of the heat shrink… would look a lot more professional

what would you know about looking professional?

I’ve thought about that but I’ve rarely seen it (never really looked though either). Once its all said and done it looks like a neat bundle of wires. I’ll take some pics today and post up what it looks like when i do a stereo. My heat gun shit the bed on me so I won’t be able to shrink tube them today but you’ll get the idea.

:ahh LOL any time home slice.

so you twist and go? how the hell do they not come apart? your almost tying a note in the wires? i never heard of anyone doing it that way. so let me get this straight, your holding each wire side by side or face to face?

like : --------< >----------


===========< and twist?

cig lighter ftw.

yeah the old school guys use a candle haha

here’s what I use


I hope I told you its a DVD player not just stereo… :frowning: Dont want to surprise you in a few hours lol

its all the same stuff. do you have any external amps? Any external video sources? if not its no different installation wise than anyother deck.

Nothing external source wise. no amp sub or anything. The only thing I was confused about installing myself is that “safety ground wire” that has to be grounded or something. Didn’t want to do it myself.

Also the power cable comes straight from battery on my car instead of the stock harness which is weird. :smiley:

update: So no soldering needed and job is done just right :smiley:

Thank you Kenny. Good guy.

I didnt get to get any pics b/c I couldn’t find my camera. And it wasn’t my best work because the harnesses were previously used and were cut a little short. Still looked better than anything that would come out of half the shops around here… lol. Also had a little set-back on the parking brake wire. Forgot that the pioneer 5700’s couldn’t just ground out. They need to see an interruption in the ground signal so I had to search through the center console to find the parking brake wire. His ebrake (like most) doesn’t engage until about the 3rd click or so, so by hooking it up correctly he can simply bring it to the first click and it will trigger the screen to come on but the e-brake is nowhere near mechanically on. Took a little longer than expected but welcome to installing… lol.

Option 1. How would they be scissoring if they were like option 2??? lol. It doesn’t really tie them, its more of a poor man’s braid. I showed him on one of the wires before i even taped it and it took almost my full strength to pull them apart. And if you ever have that much force on the wires, you have more of an issue than the radio.

I appreciate it and I did try driving with first ebrake click. Your right. You dont notice the difference too much and definitely worth it to keep kids from talking too much. Suckers love watching TV lol.

THanks again… It did get a little messy your right, but nothing the consoles couldnt cover lol.

Here is a quick one I just did for reference…

Wires Stripped:

Scissoring (giggity)



Minor strength test:

A little more definitive proof of its strength… lol. Kicker ZX700.5:

Now keep in mind this is only a single wire. As multiple wires (such as in a radio harness) are zip-tied/taped together in a bundle, it will multiply the holding power.

Worked for my car.

ps: I guess your hands strength is strnger than a kicker amp :smiley: You ripped those wires off while “testing” it :smiley: Than again there was no tape.


Great stuff man. +1 for you and your efforts! I will have to give it a try next time.

gooood shit dude.

Another way you can do it without splitting them, and it holds just as well is to take the 2 stripped wires, hold the center points together. Twist one, then twist the other, then grab both wires tightly and twist them about a half a turn. Basically the tighter you twist and tape, the stronger the connection.