Who wants to help me

put a new radiator in the Z? It should get here in a few days but I don’t have jack stands or a jack for that matter.lol

Offer free beer and half the board would show up :lol

If my garage wasnt such a mess and I dident break my jack with my Z’s heavy ass…

My friend and I will do it for you at his shop, let me know

I can’t drive it until the new radiator is installed. The old one cracked on me and it doesn’t hold coolant. Thanks for the offer though.

Me and my friends have the tools, but we’ve never worked on a ZX before, so no help here haha

If you have a place to do it im more than happy to help

Oh awesome, yeah I’ve got a pretty big driveway and a garage. I just have no practical tools, lol.

And I’d offer beer but something tells me my parents wouldn’t be thrilled about that. :lol

Well, If someone can supply some tools… my garage is a mess thanks to my brother throwing shit around when he brought his snowmobile over for storage… So untill my family decides to go thru all the shit so i can start looking for things.

I have some jackstands, I broke the rear seals on 2 jacks from my cars heavy ass… Lemme look and see what socket sizes it needs, more than likely 12,14,17, maybe the odd 13 and 10 in their… because you can rpetty much take apart any Z with 10 sockets and a ratchet and a single size phillips head

Kramer you should show up, id liek to meet ya, not to mention we can show you how to work on a real car ::slight_smile: j/p

Well I’ve got some simple tools like socket wrenches and sockets. No box/open end wrenches though. Not sure if I would need them. I’m gonna have to look up a write-up to see exactly what I need for the Z.

I gotta FSM… Have one for every Z just so I can get prepped ;D

And its pretty much the same routine as my car minus removing the front bumper…

Fan shroud, hoses … 4-5 bolts and its out

Lol, you have a Z32 FSM? Even I don’t have one. But yeah, do you think your jacks would safely hold the weight on my Z? If you think the Z31 is a lard ass, the Z32 is a friggin boat.

Once my Z is up, we need to do a Z meet/cruise.

haha the stands will hold up just fine, I just no longer have a jack.

Shoot me a PM when you start working on it, I’m always ready to learn or lend a hand or whatever ya need.

Oh, and Shady should come too, I’ve only had one opportunity to see his Z31 and he was overshadowed by a ricer cavi-queer :lol

alright cool, I’ll hit you guys up when everything gets here. Should be maybe another 2-3 days or so.

Next weekend I’m in NJ but if thats a good time for you don’t worry about it, I’m sure we’ll meet up some other time.

I’m in no rush to get it installed

Whatever works for you guys. If someone is willing to help, I’ll be flexible with my schedule

It’s just a radiator…

I’ve had simpler fixes gone terribly wrong in the past.

Since I started working on cars, I’ve never expected any job to go easy, parts get broken, wrong parts come in, bolts get stripped, rust has a tendency to fuse things together and Japanese manufacturers love to tie in everything together.