Who wants to make a couple hundred bucks?

Get me The Hulk statue out of Regal.

I will pay a couple hundred bucks for it.

Either you get it for me, or get me in touch with someone who can give it to me for cash.

I might go higher than a couple hundred, significantly higher actually.


Yeah I saw it at the OP theater. It looked ridiculous. My GF didn’t understand why I was staring at it. I didn’t touch it so I don’t know what it’s made out of, but it’s probably pretty expensive anyways.

I have a feeling they will be given back to the production agency for raffle.

Unless someone wanted to make some money… then it would go into my house.

You better be ready to spend a few thousand, that thing is huge!
I hope you have high ceilings.:biglaugh:

they dont give those away, i am friends with the manager of the elmwood regal…

my dad tried to get the simpsons one… no dice

Everything has a price. All depends on who you know.

i moved one leg of it at transit. its not that heavy.

… ohh AND i know who the Batman is!

ill pay a grand for the hmmwv!

I tried to get those big trunks at Victoria’s Secret at Christmas time, the girl said she would meet me and gave us her number, blew up her phone and she got scared and never answered. I was gonna give her $200 for one. So close to having it for my girl. Everything does have a price.,

ya that thing is deffinitly gonna be worth more than a couple hundred bucks

yea how fucking heavy is that? is it hollow and plastic like the lawn decorations you see or is it a solid statue like the halo 3 ones?

would be the best lawn ornament ever

wait, you’ve got a 1ton diesel right? throw a brush guard on that bitch… there has got to be a garage door somewhere on that warehouse.

Its not like they would come out to the boonies looking for it.

put on a blue pear of overalls, bring a friend or two in matching outfit…have a clip board with some paperwork, go in asking for the manager…say that there’s a recall from all the regal’s on it because one fell over and hurt a kid…be convincing, don’t flinch…make the paperwork on the clipboard look legit (can’t be too hard)…take it home free…

worst case scenario, they call you out on the bullshit and you bail…who cares…you still have a good story to tell then.

Big time

I know what its worth… which is why I’d pay someone who works at Regal to look the other way while I load it into the back of my truck.

I would seriously make a room for this thing.

I’ll call my uncle after work tomarrow. He is corperate with Regal. I’ll see what I can do and if he can pull any strings.


worth a try

umm Regal has security cameras and some of them have cops on duty