Who works at a bodyshop?

basically, im hoping someone that works at a bodyshop can keep their eyes open for me for a damaged focus bumper. front or rear, as long as all the missing peices are there i dont care. cracked and broken no worries. post up if your gonna watch for me, ill compensate you for saving it from the dumpster

I can get you something im sure…

ill let you know in a few days…

my friend just got into an accident with a drunk driver he had the buddy club kit on the front ill see if hes gettin rid of it

yeah let me know, im looking into options, although i am looking for stock bumpers


my friend just got into an accident with a drunk driver he had the buddy club kit on the front ill see if hes gettin rid of it


Nic’s yellow focus?

bump. anyone?

i can get one what year?

00-04 front. free is awesome but if you can get one i will buy you lunch or something.


00-04 front. free is awesome but if you can get one i will buy you lunch or something.


ok thats a deal… ill look