Who's car is this?

Parked in my office parking lot:

There’s one other guy from this forum who works on the other side of the building (I forget his name, red S13). Unfortunately my Kouki is parked in the garage @ home at the moment…

Well i hope he has a sweet setup under that hood, to justify all that crap on it…

Saw it at DMCC next to the CSCS booth.

those are speed stickers, they make the car go faster

Fuck I want those Bride LoMax’s

someone who is begging - “please steal my baller steering wheel”

yea that car is maaaad fast , used to belong to “Born2Fly”

i forgot who owns it now he used to have an integra before this ,

has a black top in it. 300zx brakes coilovers alll that good shit .

minus the stickers and those particular rims, thats hot!!!

Whomever you are, hopefully you work in the building. Would be nice to have 3 S-chassis in one parking lot. We should coordinate our parking.

body looks super clean. Its nice

were those stickers on it before born2fly sold it? I dont get why ppl list parts if they dont have sponsorship. :expressionless:

why would you leave your steering wheel on your dash. Atleast hide it from view.

he is probably a bigger guy and just uses the removable steering wheel to get in and out without straining (my guess is its not for security purposes if he just leaves it there)

those are the Pmall special LowMax

ahahahahahha k im done.

did shinzo make those stickers for him? seems he chose companys he rocks

except BRIDE # 10 is extremely tacky.

Are they any good? Price? Love the look of the seats + they’re reclinable, and they look really comfortable.

yea i work with this guy actually, he hasnt had the car to work yet must have just got it out, im pretty sure his name is bibby on here

hes on here… his name is Bibby.

he wanted to spruce it up a bit…


WOW! He has a black top in it?! Holy fuck!

Poor car :frowning: