Who's Gonna Be Prez in '08?

argree 100%

i don’t have a problem with hillary or a woman pres…but i do have a problem of us looking like some wierd monarchy…2 families have run the government for the past 20yrs.

mccain–worried about his long term health

edwards–ok, but worried about is personal issues–wifes health.

obama & richardson - i like both but not 100% sold on them yet.

huckabee - no thanks…i don’t want a former religious leader running the government…being religious is one thing…but being a minister is another

romney- NO THANKS

guliani - no thanks.

so far i like edwards, obama & richardson…with mccain a longshot 4th (if i was voting today), i don’t think richardson has any chance so that knocks him out…& like i said, i’m worried about ewards family situation & mccains health…so that leaves obama.

who ever we get…there needs to be MAJOR change so i like the idea of someone completely new.

it can’t get any worse.

we invaded & are currently occupying a country
healthcare sucks
the economy sucks
its getting worse & worse.