whos rides

how bough you go fuck your self you fuckin cock suker george

its nice to see youre Eballs coming thru

Originally Posted by Quik
X234567 when you wreck i let me know

nice thing to say

i was just about ready to drop my 350 in my truck, but i pulled a rear main cap to put the rear main seal in and found some ugly marks on the bearing. it ran good when i pulled it from my other truck but i’m not taking chances, so i bought another 350, already set up for roller cam and has all new bearing and fresh rings. 275 on ebay and local pickup. :boink

i’m coming for you quik, i want your white truck.

well good luck with what you want. i hope you can beat a little 325 for now

my old mans car is pretty ready, we beat a 572 big block chevy pretty bad at the flashlight drags, and we could not even hook the car up…

get a time slip

that car is definitely bad ass, i was thinking probably the fastest car of the night easily.

yeA THAT WAS MOVING pretty well

thanks fellas, we are going to try and win the license plate from the old V-dub plant from its cocky owner next. but until then we are taken it and the street car i just put together to the track, this week or next week…

Did you see that last race between us and that nova/chevelle or whatever it was, he had a big ol engine but when he came to ask us to race he asked if we would turn off the nos, and like dummies we said yes and he beat us by 1 car length. so next time we will spray our problems away…

you guys are running a 347 based motor correct?


yep,and vr junior heads

Well Got The Rr Yesterday So Who Know Whats Going On With The Talon

i seen it,it looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt!!! When can i ride it?

remember last time you rode someone else’s bike? you think you would learn