whos rides

actually todd. i started on a 50, then went to a 80. then went to a 250. then a 600 then back to a 250 then back to a 600. then back to a 250 along with riding a 250. then back to the 600 then to the litre bike. i got close to 20k in riding experience. ive been on and off bikes since 99


Sorry sir, I forgot you are better than everybody else. I guess I IMAGINED beating you!!! All I am really hearing is excuses WHY you lost. So if I got my tranny fixed and traction also would the result be any different


20 K :blue:

Soo When We Gonna Go Ridin Quik

um ok…now how can you call bs on something you have no clue about.

when did you beat me beside the neville time from a dig? so if you want to go by excuses i just beat ya this past weekend. from a dig right? if traction is an excuse so is breaking a tranny. in the video it shows you behind. and dont say when shaggy drove that car of yours cause the out come was it was behind me till 90ish. but in the end its hard to believe top of the line performance vehicles from ford and GM have a hard time beating a truck with a filter/muffler

when you get some experience under your belt. not by no means being a dick here. but ive been on rides and came back to get my truck just to haul someones bike home that didnt have enough experience or intellgence to back off instead of going WOT

Take your own advice

Dude you are so full of shit. Its hard for you to accept losing. Yes you beat me when my tranny broke. That was the only time. Man you live in your own little world. Hows the weather there?

please almighty, please oh please. tell me when you beat me. im not claiming any victorys here unlike you. from a dig when was the time you beat me? we only had 2 digs. one on neville and one when you broke. i dont count that one so other was cause of traction. i lost. besides that we didnt go from a dig.

that makes nosense, cause you dont know my riding mileage and nor should you care

:dunno: Take your own advice

Streetbike world is like what a 250 > 600 > 750 > 1000

id consider a 600 to be a somewhat learner bike as long as youre not an asshole on it

see now that is a misinterperted thing. alot of ppl see it as a 600 but they dont see the power of one. todays 600s arent like yesterdays 600s. where as todays 600s make as much power as yesterdays superclass bikes. newbs should be on 250,500,650 and older 600s not a 00 and up 600 supersport. yes a 650 is actually smaller then a 600.

Jeeves has spoke, its on the internet so it has to be true

well if i was gonna get a bikke, id get a 750 and skool J’all

nice be like all the other squids out there getting gixxers

update, car may, maynot be done. if i lose my license then im in no hurry to finish it.

stunt’n aint ez