whos upside down on the thruway (90/290)

you made an ass of yourself right in front of my house on the thruway


stop over for a beer when you’re right side up… something tells me theres a funny story to go along with this

sorry for no pics kids. my old man is borrowing my camera this weekend

o dear lol

what kinda car ?

looks like an older accord

fnf3 has been on hbo… i guess all the poor kids are getting to see that shit for the first time, and getting stupid

Poor kids don’t have HBO. They probably just watched FNF2 on Fox or something, pulling it in with the coat hanger antenna.

You’d be confused as to how to emulate the movie if you watched it on a 13" black and white screen.


for a dem you’re pretty funny
(i bet that hurts) :slight_smile:




for a dem you’re pretty funny
(i bet that hurts) :slight_smile:


I’ve been stealing from poor people to raise up the money to buyout my custom title.


robbin from the poor to keep for youself

Heh… The title really doesn’t bother me, because no one that remotely knows me would think that was anything but someone’s joke.

Anyway, back to the shiny side down car.

someone please take ownership for this

Haha, that is brilliant.