Who's watching the game?

What the hell does that little green/yellow stick on the back of McNabbs helment mean?

My son, who plays booster league football, says it means he’s too ig to run the ball, I say :bsflag: . It may mean that in booster football, but thats bull in the pro’s right?

I believe the sticker is for the frequency that is used for the headset in his helmet.

That makes sense…

7-3 FTW

Cumshot target?

he still sucks

i heard Andy Reid was there selling heroin for his son

go Pack go!

So far every game this year Batch has looked by far the best. Bens #'s do not show how poor I thought he played. Most of his yards were from short passes to the backs. Batch FTMFW

Batch really did look great. Took them down and scored effortlessly.

Can he every play, every game though? Not saying that ben is the man or anything. Personnally I think he has the starting job to keep the young girls coming to the games, but thats just me. I really dont think he is nearly as good as all the hype about him.

I think Batch can be that good every game. He hasn’t done anything bad to make me think otherwise. And it is not like he was nothing but a backup his whole career. I think overall he is better than Ben. For Ben I think he still has a lot to prove…and this season will either make or break him. All I know is so far from what I seen of him he is not all that sharp and looks a bit nervous at times. Where Batch has been very sharp and playing very solid.

I love Batch. I really do, but playing in the 2nd half of a preseason game against a 3rd string defense doesn’t really prove anything.

i am sure Batch is happy making $ 1,514,840.

he turned down many offers for more than the league minimum to play in Pittsburgh. I think Batch is a class act he does a lot for his community and never hear about anything bad from him. It’s nice to see someone that loves Pittsburgh and have a chance to play here.

I knew that was go to be said. But what I am looking at is the accuracy of the passes and quality of the decision making. Which in both cases he has looked a lot better than Ben. It doesnt matter who is in there…ben has still made some shitty passes…even when he had decent pass protection. I am not saying he played terrible but not anywhere near to impress me.

I am also a huge fan of Batch. Hes not afraid to throw the ball and is awesome in the pocket. He doesn’t crunch under pressure. I missed the first half of the game due to cleaning out my car so I can drive to Myrtle Beach today…purposely, so I could see Batch play instead of watching Big Ben. He really is just an all around great person.

From: Brad
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 9:28 AM
To: Philadelphia Office
Subject: Sorry

We didn’t mean to run the score up so high…


Spread the word.

Great start to this glorious Monday :wink:

:rofl: :rofl:

Since some quarterbacks are playing other positions now, and they can only have the headset in the helmet of one player on the field, the helmets with the headsets are marked with that sticker now.

if the QB plays another position ,he has to have another helment!