Why are people scared to cross the road?

I don’t get it. I usually cross Broadway in Schenectady by Proctors/Lotto Building on foot a couple times a day. I usually just keep walking unless there is an imminent threat of vehicles, or if I’m on a collision course with a traveling automobile. Most of the time this results in a simple course correction of diagonal travel to give the car time to pass without stopping and waiting.

Then I see these cheesedicks who walk to the edge of the sidewalk, look back and forth nervously. Finally start to cross only to find that there’s a car leaving the light at a snails pace 200yds away and LEAP back to the safety of the curb in fear for their lives. :wtf

Bitches just alter your trajectory, quit being pussies about it.

Why doesn’t Benny bring Nicole delicious goodies from Villa Italia?

Because the same thing or better can be had in Price Chopper for 1/3 the price.


Yea right its because benny will eat all the goodies before you ever see them Nicole

I was just down at Muddy Cup in Schdy… meandered across the road like I didn’t give a. Bitches need to recognize the right-of-way law. Lawsuits ftw.

Walk in crosswalks and if anyone tries to hit you it’s free game to kick/punch/damage the front of their car.

If you just run across the road and theres no crosswalk I believe cars have the right of way. But don’t quote me on that one.

Best stay in that crosswalk if youre gonna be all frivolous lawsuit about it.

its caus they scared of yo’ fluffy ass rollin down the street smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice.

youre white, stop it.

measure twice, cut once.

Dunno, I wouldn’t want to hit you with my car.

i can quote snoop-a-loop whenever i want.

I wouldnt let you hit me with your car because I know how to cross a road. Hence my confusion.

I feel like hitting you would make me bounce like a large rubber ball for some reason. :lmao

If you’re gonna make fat jokes at almost 30 years old at least come up with something funny.

MFer I’m not even close to 30.

Closer than me, and that’s all that matters.

I honked at everyone in Menands on my way home from lunch. From the New Yorker Pizza all the way to Albint… everyone walking on the sidewalk got the horn. :rofl

:rofl I do that all the time, the beep and wave.

Yup. My coworker waved at everyone after I honked. It’s very amusing.