Why are you here? Go outside!!!

There’s alot of people on today for such a nice day. Why are you here??

I myself have a broken arm. Kinda puts a damper on things.

As nice as it looks outside, it’s too cold to work on anything…

doing a project for school, its due tomorrow night

tooo cold to ride… i was blessed with 80 degree weather all week… 30 degrees sucks


its warm enough for me to tell my dad to wash my car cuz he threw out food i was gonna cook for lunch, and i was so lookin fwd to it

Cause I’m too lazy to put my exhaust back on my bike.



fuggin work. :tdown:

wisdom teeth

im actually gonna go out and tamper with some things in a short… wisdom teeth isnt an excuse…lol…

work and too cold :frowning:

was work, just got home and had to respond to a couple PMs.

Fuck the cold, it is fine if you’re in the sun. I’m going to work in the yard a bit.

just got back from the gym, going to finish up the evo shortly


Gotsta stack ma paper tho…

i know lol…but these meds are fantastic

Was out all morning setting up the run for my puppy; and cleaning up the area to semi-limit what she can get into, even though she’ll find her way into everything. Then started measuring off for the fence I’m going to put up… Then went to the store… now, I’m waiting for my GF to finally get ready for the day so we can do to the pet-store and out with the puppy to expend some of her energy.

working till 4

was changing my oil…and having a fun time charging my battery :bloated:

now resting