why cant i be stupid?

this is absolutely miles off topic but the wheels in your sig look AWESOME on there, good choice

on-topic: yeah tomatoes suck

I hate tomatoes… but rather then deal with the reliazation that no one listens to me… I just don’t ask for no tomatoes…

You want a good place to go… Wendy’s on Maple > * … usually very very good about stuff like that… especially during the DAY… not night.

tomatoes do suck.
and i can understand your anger.
but have any of you EVER worked in a fast paced resturant environment? i do, i make pizzas/deliver them. I rarely, if ever fuck up pizzas. BUT. I was forced to make subs once, and i walked away after 15 minutes of doing it. your looking at the board, there’s 433438542789 orders up, everything mixes together. it’s easy to make a mistake like that, real easy. so don’t be an asshole about it, these jobs suck ass, and the people working there don’t need the shit. they make shit for pay, and are usually in school full time. We don’t need the added headache.
btw i fuckin HATE tomatoes.

I eat them like an apple… Sometimes I get the little white seeds on my skivvies.

throw the tomatoes at passing by cars :tup:

i love tomatos…Zer0DazE please dont kill me:shoot:

when the place is busy … fine … thats an excuse …

what pisses me off is when its dead and people screw up your order for no good reason … like the one time i went into burgerking for some fries, b4 i actualy ordered i asked if i could get the fries that were AT THAT MOMENT beeping to come out of the frier

cashier said yes … so i ordered 2 large fries … she specificly scooped the soggy fries for me, THEN dumped the fresh ones into the fry tray thingie … i told her to think about what i ordered and try again …

wtf …

man, you guys are like women

yes i worked in fast food. about 10 fucking years ago. it wasnt all that hard. as a matter of fact you will find that a 6 pack slides perfectly into a burger king microwave. makes the night shift fly by.

and i can be an asshole. i paid for a service/product, and it was wrong. becasue it was a sandwich doesnt make a difference. its the principals.

G-TA - Thanks… I think they look nice as well. Cobra or not :wink:

I love tomoatoes. I do not like them rotten. When they put a rotten tomatoe on your sub/burger it really ruins the moment… when you have to spit it out on your tray… and then try to take another bite of said sub/burger.

well, that’s original



i hate tomatoes and always say i dont want them, but im always wondering if those burger punks are spitting in my food then. its a lose, lose situation either way :frowning: