Why did i have to get the middel seat!!!

Got into Phoenix earlier and to get here i had to transfer at philadelphia. Well from Philly to Phoenix i had to seat in the middle seat for 5 hours while being extremly tired but im sure i dont need to explain why its hard to fall asleep in that position. O ya and there was a screaming/crying baby sitting in the seat directly behind me. He stopped for like a half hour but for most of the time he was screaming and kicking my seat. I never thought i would be involved in every stand up joke about airlines in just one flight…Fucking kill me.

That’s where I ask to switch seats and turn and tell the adult to get a hold of the nightmare they call a child or dont fly public airtranspo.

I almost had one of these a year ago, but then i found a open seat on a scouting trip to the shitter and sat the the remainder of the flight…

GOD stupid people suck…

Thats why i simply fly first class everywhere I go.

Last time i was coming back from the ATL…there was a Love Jesus youth group singing on the plane of course in coach.

I rested comfortably drinking beer and rocking out to xm radio in my pleather extra cushioned seat.

go Southwest and choose your own seat! there problem solved. Southwest FTW!

i loathe children on airplanes.

that’s why i always fly private charter jets

private jets ftw.

mine is out in my backyard.

again southwest most of the crumb cunchers stay up front and u don’t hear it untill they get really loud then you just want to throw them out the window. but what i think is worse is the kid behind u that kicks your seat i just want to strangle that kid after the first one. UGH!!!

kids under 10 should be made to get fedex’d

at least you didnt get hijacked by the a rabs.


at least you didnt get hijacked by the a rabs.


lol true dat!


go Southwest and choose your own seat! there problem solved. Southwest FTW!


Ya and when i get to the airport i can watch everyone turn into primitive apes and claw and fight and kill their way to the ticket counter to get the glorious “A” group…ya no thnks


Ya and when i get to the airport i can watch everyone turn into primitive apes and claw and fight and kill their way to the ticket counter to get the glorious “A” group…ya no thnks


this is way you go online the day before your flight and get the “A” online there slappy!:rubicant:


Thats why i simply fly first class everywhere I go.

Last time i was coming back from the ATL…there was a Love Jesus youth group singing on the plane of course in coach.

I rested comfortably drinking beer and rocking out to xm radio in my pleather extra cushioned seat.


Amen. After a 6 hour flight to Mexico in coach, I will never fly in it again. Paying the extra bucks is totally worth it.