Why did TimMasterde get banned?

Maybe it’s not you, it might just be your following (IE “Niskay lot”). I did not cry, I just could not stand how many idiotic, immature, and completely useless ramblings took place on there. To continually have a million posts of mindless people saying things like swag and whatever other kind of meaningless waste of bandwidth took place there.

I called some people out when I felt the need but quickly realized it was not worth any of my time.

I consider myself knowledgeable and mature and did not want to be associated with such an epic group of misinformed youth.

I’d like to report a thread that is a sexual-hate driven personal attack on a member!!


Didn’t you make a meme poster for special kid that read “Not sure if trolling or just stupid?”

You have to remember one thing. That is a Facebook page. It is not a message board where I can tell people what to do or say and make them follow fules. Alot of people are friends so they would joke around alot like people do on the offbeat section here which for the most part that what the nisky lot page is. It is just a page for fun and to talk about cars. Of course people started talking shit but how many times do I see posts on here turn to shit? I could turn around and say the same thing which is a big reason why I dont post on here like I did back in 07 when I posted along with the OG’s. To each there own!

I suppose it’s just easier for me to ignore the nonsense on here because I’m not constantly getting facebook reminders full of POOP. You might also notice that most threads that turn to shit on here, you’ll 99% not see my name in the thread.

When there are cars involved, there will be crap talking. Correction, when there is anything competitive involved, there will be crap talking. Nothing you can really do about that…other then avoid the people doing it.

Adios children of niskay lot.

ahhh so you are the doucher who deleted me from the group. thats cool. those kids in there are a bunch of morons anyways, with the exception of a small few. for instance a kid asking about 11k hid’s, which dont even exist.

He isn’t somewhere else anymore either in here . Kids got a big mouth I see

People keep adding me to all these local lots on FB. I think I have 3/4 in there now. :rofl

I don’t even check them because it’s like I’m in 8th grade with the amount of immaturity going on.

lol harry potter calling me a “doucher” If they were morons you would have deleted your self already instead of reading everything.

Fine with me. Nothing went on in there anyways :shifty

Your right , Noone cares about the slow cars of nisky . Ya must be proud killing what is left of the car scene and so on with your ricers bullshit .

lol im a ricer…ok :rofl


:crackup:crackup harry potter, like i’ve never heard that one before. come on bro think of something at least a little offensive when you are trying to attempt a come back. that was weak.
that place is full of laughs and dumb dumbs, so this place and that is where i would get my daily laugh.

Most of your nisky boys are ricers ,boy racers .

I like harry potter.

The real harry potter.

That and Corey is a damn good kid that works for his shit , call him harry potter all ya want id trust him way before any of the nisky lot fruitbags .

Not to mention harry potter is trustworthy as fuck and can do MAGIC and shit. Way cooler than any ricer.

awwz you guys are the best :hug :lol

I thought Joey was Harry Potter

It’s true dude I’m not being gay " despite how vlad feels ". Your a good kid

He is , Decker is a total noob