Why do people think they are so tough???

awwww i wanna see b-ri spit

and i just called him out again

Ryan Krameryou clearly stole a line. i dont know how you can think that you didnt. you changed 5 words in the whole line. how am i lame when im not the one acting like im good at rapping and im still schooling you?

i dont want to throw down with you, im too scared that you and your boyzzzz are gonna flip out and hit me with your “AK with banana clip” caus you’re too pussy for a real fight.

and why didnt you go to travis’ house last night? oh. because you’re a pussy. i almost forgot for a second.
58 minutes ago · Delete

Al HaSandude travis and me dont got probs like i said myh beef is with u pussy and think what u want my raps real ur wack ill rap u anytime u get ur pussy asss in 518 so i can beat u like i beat ur mom after fuckin her loose pussy u waste of life pussy fuck u
54 minutes ago

Ryan Kramernope. not going to the 518. 518 sucks. i dont even live there anymore and i know that everyone hates you there. you dont know a single bouncer, you’re just lying out your ass. you’ve lied like 5 times in the past day or two, you’re an idiot.

come down to NYC if you wanna get your titties fucked.
about a minute ago · Delete

Ryan Krameroh and make a reply on shift518, those are your 518 BOYZ IN THE HOOD, you should probably know all of them and theyll all think you’re cool, right? hahahah

i friend-requested him, if he accepts im posting a video on his wall and on youtube acting like him. if he doesnt, then just youtube.