why do repair shops suck

leave it on economy, or he will need a tranny.

and i don’t meen one with a weenis.

repair shops remind me of construction business…

I know a bit about both and I think anyone with common sense knows that they got to make their money !

BUT its way cheaper and worth your time to do it all yourself, the best and most you can.

I know that was WAY offtopic as you were not bitching about prices or w/e, but I wanted to say that…

its something we can all learn and do… so do it

no, just bitching about the fact that people won’t admit that they just don’t know whats wrong, they just come up with some bullshit answer.

I think the tranny is warranteed until 100k on it. 84k so far and he drives it hard and its got no tranny issues yet.

I dont even know if the dumb fuck changed the fluid yet. I know he only changes the motor oil when the filter rots out.

I have had this happen before and it also burntout my head light fluid so I coudnt see anymore:retardclap

great post anthony, your contribution to this forum is equivalent to pjb talking to women :Idiots


My car has every bolt on imaginable and I don’t have a single issue with the dealership.

It’s all in your attitude.


steve showed me.

WOW I didnt know he talked to women :poke
