Why does my expensive computer suck?!

OK. I have a pretty nice computer at work. It’s all pretty decent stuff from what i understand, the graphics card alone was like 1500 bucks… When i have inventor open with a pretty detailed dwg, usually w/ firefox and itunes, If i try and open something simple like paint or explore “my computer” nothing happens.

Double clicking “my computer” just brings up the hourglass, then nothing happens. opening paint brings up the error “unable to open empty document”

I have a pair of 2GB sticks of ram, but only 3GB shows up. I tried turning the pagefile off, because i heard that was supposed to help. No luck there. But if i can get task manager to open while the drawing is open, my memory isn’t even close to maxed out. In the screenshots below, on the performance tab, all the spikes were from me trying to open firefox, my computer and paint.

What the fuck is going on here?


I took this screen shot after all the other ones. This is when i turned off the page file.

I think XP will only address 3GB, I know we’ve been having that problem here where I work… I’ve got 2GB in a similar computer, and we tried upping someone else to 3 or 4GB and it caused all sorts of problems. My guess it has something to do with that.


I think XP will only address 3GB, I know we’ve been having that problem here where I work… I’ve got 2GB in a similar computer, and we tried upping someone else to 3 or 4GB and it caused all sorts of problems. My guess it has something to do with that.


it originally had two, and it had the same problems, so we added more. no luck.

Interesting then… sounds like a Registry issue.

Sounds more like a windows issue than a hardware issue. Possibly a damaged registry.

Suggestions at this point:

  1. goto run and type “chkdsk c: /f” this will do a basic check for any issues on the drive.
  2. Restart your computer, it will then run a quick scan.
  3. Once done restarting run a system restore to a date before this occured. This should reload an older backed up version of the registry.

Also make sure you turn your page file back on.

it’s occured since i got the computer new. I also tried it on my old computer and that sucked too. Autodesk sucks ass.

yea, dump the autodesk products… I never really liked them anyways…


Autodesk sucks ass.


that is what i was going to say

Maybe you broke the memory. run memtest+ overnight.

Go to google, type memtest+, download and create either a floppy with the floppy creator, or use nero to burn the ISO file to a CD as an image.

Run it overnight, and if there is any red at the bottom… you’ve got some hardware issues :slight_smile:

Autodesk does suck.

We just got done deploying 2007 and today version 2008 showed up on our desk. Ugh.

Because you suck http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/thankya.gif