Well basically my computer seems to have slowed down, i have spybot and avira antivirus software i scanned everything, everything is clean now, but i feel like my computer shouldnt be this slow i have 2gb’s of ram and its a AMD 64 3200 XP.
Its wierd i try to watch a High Def video i downloaded and it wont play it like starts to play but then struggles and freezes and the audio stops playing, it happens to me in Quicktime, Divx idk i feel like my computer should be able to play a video idk! Help plz maybe ram problems or something?
Maybe the memory is going bad or the hard drive? I’d start with Memtest. If you can get your hands on Spinrite, that’ll show you the stats on the drive and if it’s starting to get errors.
If you don’t have the tools and want me to do it for you in a few minutes, you’re more than welcome to come by my place with it and i’ll run the tests for ya.
I was thinking about getting a new hdd and transfering my music and important stuff to it as a slave and reformatting my computer idk it feels like every computer I ever had gets slow… Even being virus free and what not
It is a good free-ware program but the best way to remove trojans/viruses/malware/etc is to do it manually but takes much research and time to learn which files and file extensions are bad.
You could have video driver issues… You did install the correct video drivers for this card, right? Rebooted after? It shows up in the system profiler as the correct drivers?
its these vids i can’t watch when i download them, i can stream them but downloading them and watching them cause’s my CPU to hit 100% in task manager… i guess it could be my CPU, but i have 2gb’s of ram and have that video card, i wouldnt think the CPU couldnt handle playing a video when i can play certain games like Oblivion and what not… idk it is kinda old though
I check my task manager and it doesn’t seem like I have that much stuff running, tomorrow after work I’ll print screen and show you
guys what’s running. But I do understand to close high mem using programs that aren’t needed.