Computer Question.


Q 1:
Recently Ive been experienceing slow downs like f*cking crazy with my pc. Im monitoring all my running process’s and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. But it starts to crawl then it will be fine. I only got 1g of ddr ram but Ive never had problems like this before?

Q 2:
svchost.exe, i know its a windows running process BUT. How many should there be I got like 5 ov em running at once.

Starts to who? Like the hard drive thrashes and then it’s fine? Might be something with virtual memory. Your hard drive could even be starting to go bad.

I have 7 running right now, they shouldn’t hurt anything.

mine pops up with the virtual memormy is low like once or twice a week ? y is that ?

I’m on linux right now but my winblows machine on the other side of the room is running 6 of them right now. Your doing a lot of photoshop n shit right? When is the last time you cleaned up your drive? Defrag’d? Did a fresh install of windows? the machine i do photoshop on has no more than 29 processes running at any time…thats an ideal number…if your opening up the taskman and seeing like 60 that can become a problem

Virtual Memory is just a part of the hard drive that is an extension of the physical RAM when there are too many programs are running. Windows allocates a certain amount of space to Virtual Memory which is usually based on a percentage of the physical RAM. Either you can adjust the Virtual Memory to be higher (which isn’t really recommended), add RAM to your computer, or remove some programs from startup.

To do the last one, you can goto Start>Run>type ‘msconfig’ (without quotes), and click on Advanced tab. Then anythign with a check mark will be what’s starting up with the computer, you can uncheck certain ones, scroll to the right and you can see the pathname, just don’t uncheck any ones that start with ‘C:\Windows\System32’ and the like.

dude… why are you running windows… osx10 doesn’t have these problems :kekegay:

anyway… svchost is a local account that is called by windows to run services or groups of services… so the numbers from machine to machine will vary…

nailing down the memory usage to a process is the best idea… PERFMON it :slight_smile:

why are you running windows though??? lol!!! you know i have to jack you around a little…

your little ‘number of processes running at any time’ is erronous and pretty much idiotic… so go ahead and stop telling people that as though it’s the truth.

you’re going to tell me that a computer that running 25 ‘processes’ runs faster than a computer that runs 27 LOL!!! dude, it’s not a pole position… it’s a freaking system monitor of active applications… that is not a logical way to troubleshoot anything… the theory is correct, less is better (sometimes :wink: ), but the fundamentals are not there. :ugh2: … i’m not trying to be an asshole, it’s just the facts.

in case your just too retarded to realize that i put “if your opening up the taskman and seeing like 60 that can become a problem” i’ll say it again. Read thoroughly dumb fuck and maybe you’ll get something right. your not trying to be an asshole…because you always have been and always will be DIAF
please find me a machine that runs 60 processes at boot up and system idle and show me how “efficient” it can run(which won’t be very much at all) Stop thinking you know every god damned thing because you make yourself come across as a prick…which you most likely are. do everyone a favor and if you see my post in a thread…ignore it…because i’m just about tired of seeing your “i know everything and i’m a prick” responses

it may seem like I’m hanging on sonny’s sack when it comes to computer questions, but he’s right dude. I have 72 processes running, with anywhere from 2-7% cpu usage. And this is while remote desktoped in. I could make a bold statement saying that the “ideal” number of processes for a dual 3.4GHz workstation is 71… but I won’t. Two of those processes are AV and windows Firewall :kekegay:

p.s. I feel completely comfortable running photoshop while all of these other processes are running.

p.s.s Starboy, what are some other system specs? Processor, ram, windows version, when the slowdowns happen (like opening an app, during save or autosave), every detail you can think of would help.


nutswinger…as fshow was saying it’s correct in theory and thats all i was trying to point out…anybody who is all about performance doesn’t have a shitload of processes running in the background. it doesn’t matter if you have a dual core or two physical processes. for ideal performance you want a computer operating at “streamlined” performance. Nobody knows the specs on this dudes computer and BASIC problem solving methods were given to try and help him out…and honestly…how many people on here actually have “top of the line machines”
and if anyone is going to post a reply in on topic…try not to throw something at me that you KNOW i will fire back at…i can’t stand ignorance and a lot of you seem to exhibit that stupid behavior. DIAF

that is not a logical way to troubleshoot anything

Perhaps it’s an xlogical way to troubleshoot?

thats my approach to a lot of things in life…i never follow the systemized way of doing things…and you know what…i get er done just as good if not better, just as fast if not faster…and make just as profit if not more. take it or leave it…regardless i still don’t give a rats ass what anyone thinks of me. as you would say sonny…kthxbye
Back to the topic of this thread

my comp has 37 processes running right now and the CPU usage jumps between 10-25% i get the virtual memory shit every once in awhile

and ya Sonny knows his shit wit computers i agree


i don’t think i know it all… i do think that i can forget more than you’ll ever know though… anyway… here is my desktop… booted up and getting ready to work… check out the insanely high utlization of my PC… it has to be dragging… :ugh2:

i honestly get dumber reading the computer discussions on here

that’s just a sign of age… i think they make pills for that.

windows 101…lawl-z

#1) you have plenty of ram thats not even a factor period.

  1. Get and run these free programs: ccleaner, superantispyware, and the ol reliable ad-aware and spybot.

It may not be a process slowing you down at all but malware instead. What antivirus are you running?
I’m a System Admin and I have an arsenal full of tools to combat all the different crap out there these days but usually you can keep it clean with the free ones.

Ya, it’s not really the number of processes running but WHAT processes are running and what they are up to. Windows defender has a nice set of tools that allow you to see in detail what your running processes are and who the vendors are for each one. You may have some nasty spyware running that is using up your PC’s resources.

I have my PC set up to dual boot between Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux. If I want to screw around on the 'net and go to some “warez” or “pron” or “cheatz” sites I just boot up Linux and have at it. When I’m in Windows I only go to known sites that have no spyware.