Computer Question.

knoppix > dual boot.

knoppix isn’t bad…thats actually what this computer is running…along with winblows…the speed diff is enough to keep me from booting into windows anymore

You have a process in SVCHOST that is for lack of a better word stuck. This is most likey due to a recent MSFT patch that you got through windows update automatically. Easiest fix is to do a system restore and let the machine repatch itself. The patch in question isn’t installing properly and is causeing one of the system process’s under an SVCHost instance to take up more and more resources.

so what ur saying is…microshaft winblows is doing its job?

To me an OS is an OS. They all have their good and bad points. I’ve been doing this stuff for a long time and I could care less. MSFT integration across the product line is very good and most of the time meets the customer need with the least headaches.

which patch are you referring to?

To be honest I don’t know exactly which KB is associated with the issue.

I pushed out over 20 patches in a short span of time and never botherd to pin down which one it was. I just restored the three machines that exibited the problem and let them do the recent patches in smaller groups.

You can use process explorer to try and pin it down but I was never easily able to find a process/patch match. In the end I had to much to do so I just retored them to an earlier state.

Hell it could have been caused by a combination of patches overwriting the same file at the same time or something.

The process that was causing the problem was windows update wuaclt.exe or sometihng like that.



but it’s “important for the stable and secure running of your computer”, lol…


“Windows Genuine Advantage” … :rolleyes:

If you use WSUS you need it running.


actually i do not think that you do… i haven’t dealt with desktops recently… but you only need this service running for any other patching i’ve done.

svchost.exe -k netsvcs

in the end :gives:

good catch! I don’t believe this machine to be a domain member or attached to any wsus servers.

isn’t this thread over yet? I thought starboy said he formatted and re-installed :dunno: