Computer slow........

Did you want to bring it by? I never heard back from you.

It could be a hardware problem and you’re troubleshooting software…

Yeah I’ll try to bring it by sometime, there’s no rush we can setup a day.

Did anyone else try Downloading and playing those vids? I did update my GPU drivers and it seemed to help ever so slightly! I have 2gig of ram 1gig is stock the other is gaming so maybe I should remove my stock ram so the gaming ram can run at full speed idk.


BUMP from hell, this is a different computer now.

AMD Athlon 64x2 dual core 6000+ 3.02ghz
4.0 GB Ram
32 bit operating system - its vista:/

Runs pretty slow, hick ups, while listening to music on itunes and scrolling down with the mouse wheel online it hick ups makes songs skip, pretty annoying. Youtube loads videos and freezes for the a few seconds before loading, but the computer does hangle HD video, full screen on youtube.

I used the event viewer and it has numerous errors.

I already disk clean up’d, I will defrag now.

The cold temps are slowing data transmission.

Vista and up run a defrag in realtime…probably not going to help any. Upgrade your hardware or you can put Windows 10 preview on it for free.

Steve Jobs is hacking you from the other side. Damn that Vista.

So are these error’s fixable? I don’t have CC cleaner on this computer, but it was recommended previously to be installed on my old one. I’m affraid of registry errors, because I don’t understand them and I don’t want to harm my shit machine.


CCleaner is free from the web. Download it and run it…

I don’t think that will solve anything. What you really need to do is start from scratch.

Thanks for the reply, I did just that and cleaned my registry, still slow. I then decided to look in the computer for possible lose wires and noticed the heat sink had a layer of dust on it.

so at first I tried a q-tip to remove the dust but it was hard to with there being a fan built on to it. I figured the fan just snaps on to the aluminum fins but couldn’t figure out how so I removed the entire heat sink, luckily I still had some thermal paste for when I install it again.

so I removed the fan and cleaned the fins and vacuumed it off. I think it runs a little better but still slow with some hiccups.

      • Updated - - -

I also cleared the event history and it only shows a couple errors and they say start up errors of some sort.

I have windows vista, will this still work?

Yes it will work on Vista

Thx, just did it, I don’t think it found any issues, or repaired anything.

Did you try the obvious stuff like run malwarebytes?

Yeah I ran it.

In my task manager it shows like 6 svchost.exe I don’t know if thats normal.

Maybe the ram is bad in the computer? How do I test it, it should have gaming ram, probably like 6years old the computer.

See if there are any system tests from the pre boot menu… This is before windows loads, like you’re entering bios or selecting a different boot source…

Hmm good idea, I never tried to go into the bios, I didn’t build this computer but it once was a gaming computer so it may have a system tester?

It’s probably not your ram when ram goes bad you get random crashes and shit not just slow performance.

You probably have a failing hard drive or malware

Yeah bad ram would more likely cause blue screens and random crashing. Dying hard drive or corrupt OS is more likely.