help computer gurus

ok i dont know whats goin on with my computer, its running super slow on the internet, i have 56k but it used to run extremely fast for 56k. and when i type it doesnt show up for a few secs while im typing. i can hear that inside the computer the cpu or something is running like crazy and every animation on the screen stops while i type . it only does this on the internet, i have run scandisk, disk defragmenter, spy sweeper, and its still doing this, its slowing me down majorly on the internet. its doing this even if i click a part of the page with the mouse.
im running a pentium 4 with 756 mb of ram and windows XP

any help would be nice

just took my like 20 mins to type this cuz of how slow its going,

virus, well i could be misstaken. Could be alot of adware/spyware. Hurry up and disconnect from the net and reconnection see if its still slow…

DO it like this…
and see if its still slow… If it is then I would go with the adware option. Due to your ip is changing since your on a 56k.

is your hard drive continually being accessed? I’ve had PCs with the same symptoms as yours right before the hard drive failed.

ya it seems the harddrive is being accessed all the time, but only on the internet… its wierd. i have 2 drives, 1 is only for my songs vids, and other stupid stuff, and the other is for windows and such, allllll games have been removed from my main drive tho, and only things i have on there are needed programs

if its only on the net chances are its a trojan/ad-ware/spyware. they fuckin suck