Computer. i cant figure this out.

Ok so. I just got done scanning my computer the passed like 4 weeks with 3 different virus scanners. Just found adware. So thats out the question.

Right now im watching my task manager, (CPU Usage / CPU Usage History) spike up and down ever 3 secs. 2% 4% 99% loop.forever. Im looking at all the processes running nothing is out of the ordinary. WTF is going on? The only things that are running right now are gaim and firefox and every so often it will start to slow up. I cant even run adobe / firefox / itunes at the same time anymore it gets so sluggish. I still have 100 some gigs left on the HD, and still the 1gig DDR ram.

if you have used multiple spyware/antivirus programs try this…

boot to safemode
navigate to c:\documents and settings%username%\local settings\
inside this folder you will find a temp folder and a temp internet files folder… access them all and delete them all…
this is a very common place for spyware and viruses

next go to start run regedit…
local machine / software / microsoft / windows / current version / run
look through those programs and take any out that are starting form the system32 folder… fi they are suspicious or end with exe get rid of them by deleting them… then navigate to the files and delete them…

… if u don’t feel comfortable with regedit… then you can put in msconfig and click the startup tab… and uncheck all that apply. then reboot.

this should give you a good jump on what is going on

firefox is a memory hog, try turning it off and trying.

When it spikes to 99% and you’re watching processes, which one causes the PC to jump to 99%? It should list it in there.

x2 on Firefox being a resource hog, but then again many of them are, especially if you’ve got a bunch of tabs up. Try using Opera, it’s been using tabs for a while and still seems to run pretty quickly using minimal amounts of resources.

true…but you won’t get nearly as many problems as you do with IE

again… wtf are you talking about? i have no problems with IE so how can i have less?


Why don’t you just rebuild your OS… sounds like you’re due… starting anew is always suggested for bogus shit like that (random memory usage)… no doubt it’s something you can solve, but it takes an hour to rebuild a workstation from start to finish…

even grab an extra harddrive and just go to town if you’re worried about anything…

1 hr. backup/ 1 hr. reformatting > 4 hrs. scanning for bullshit.

well thats the odd thing. The cause of the spikes is unkown nothing process side jumps up. I just need to move a folder of shit (about 30gs) to my mac and ill be fine, i just cant lose all the work ive done over the past four years. It is def. time to format totally agree.

get a usb to ide converter… compusa has them (although they are like 30 bucks too much there)… but you can jsut slave a drive with it through usb… i have a 100gb laptop hd i use at work daily…

dont forget to format yours fat :kekegay:

i could have sworn i said don’t reply to the things i say on here…my personal customers always had virus and spyware problems when using IE…after cleaning out systems and switching them to firefox no problems…and this is with the same browsing habits they have had before whatever they may be. Your really a prick…i try to keep pittspeed right where it is(on the internet) but i’m beginning to dislike you on a personal level. nobody cares who you are or what you do…this young talent will always outperform your ass so give it a break.

You don’t have problems with IE because you know what your doing…regular joe who looks at porn daily doesn’t know shit if he stepped in it. why is it that even in on topic you still manage to deviate from what was being discussed to try and fire blanks everytime you see a post under my name. I know what i’m doing and i have happy customers to prove so…take whatever degree you have and eat it after i wipe my ass with it

Edit:don’t edit my posts. i know wtf i’m talking about because i do this stuff on the side and have been doing so for almost 8 years…no degree required

this is because you tell them to NOT use a virus scan…

Correction all of my customers STILL use AV/FW software because they don’t know as much as i do when it comes to computers, and they had problems until i came along…the only time i have ever had to revisit a site was to reprogram a wireless router that has lost all the settings due to a extended power outage where the customer lived. You also must not read to well because i have only said that I MYSELF am the one who doesn’t use AV/FW software because i have no need my main machine runs linux…nobody takes the time to make viruses for linux. Your best defense is knowing what you enemy can and can’t do…in other words the only way i see something getting into one of my machines is

  1. i download a virus on purpose
    2.the fbi decides to h4x0r me
  2. you get physical access to one of my machines

none of those are even feasible.

Stereotypical User

Internet Explorer - Brain dead newbie. Loves pop-ups, viruses, and spyware. Just wants to “surf the Internet and check my email.” Oblivious to alternative lifestyles. Seeks help from “computer smart” nephew.

Firefox - Proselytizing ubergeek. Loves freedom, choice, and tabbed browsing. Just wants to “improve mankind with Open Source Software.” Oblivious to market forces and the power of money. Seeks other geeks to join in on the evangelism.

Now back on topic :tool: (s)


desktop support! woohoo!

reformatted and running xp with full updates in 22 mins… thank you recovery disks

Nice Job

Take this with a grain of salt:

Just because you’ve been doing this on the side and for 8 years doesn’t mean that you know what you are talking about. I have also done side work for very long time. I have a vast amount of experience from the Army and education, and learn something new every single day about computers.

Doing this as “side work” and using “Linux” might be impressive to some people, but is hardly a qualifier, especially with no degree.

The best thing that I learned from people that had more experience in the computer industry: Just when you think you know what you are talking about, STFU and go get MORE professional education and more on the job experience.

A rule of thumb for me (and for you too) : If the customer has data that needs saved from a drive because of no backup or whatever, I will go the extra mile to recover or fix the existing OS. No data to be saved: Start from scratch, especially if the OS has been in place for a few years. Even Windows XP has about a 5 year lifespan when it will need rebuilt.

I go to people’s homes everyday where the brotherinlaw, nephew, or grandson has fixed their computers. In 9 out of 10 situations the customer always says “My so and so fixed this 2 weeks ago, but it still isn’t like it used to be.” 8 out of 10 times the computer needs thrown in the trash.

Educating people on a newer way (i.e. Linux, Opera, Firefox) is not always an option. People like to use what they are used to using. Try explaining and converting someone to Opera that has only used AOL for the last 14 years.

Keep throwing your suggestions out there, because someone might like to try your way, just don’t come off like your way is the only way.

Don’t take it personal and have a nice day.

I never come off as if my way is the only way. there are options and choices in everything that we do in life. I do things my way whether people like it or not…for those who don’t they can kiss my ass. I don’t intend on getting a degree with this because it’s not what i love to do anymore…sure when i was young i loved computers…now they have become just another “thing” under my belt. I still learn new things about them from time to time but it’s not like i plan on taking this somewhere so there is no drive to do this anymore. And convincing people to “make the switch” has never been an obstacle for me. Outside of pittspeed in the professional world i’m a people person…i’ve worked in retail enviroments for only twopointfive years because of my age but i was one of the best when doing it…but just like computers…i lost interest in retail. I’m a service oriented individual and always will be. Just because someone has a degree and has their head stuck up their ass doesn’t make them the best option…

Take a real life situation…there is always some mechanic out there who never went to school but when it comes down to the get down he will mop the floor with the heads of those guys who actually paid to go to school.

Not sticking up for anyone, but be easy on the desktop support talk, jagoff.

Whitey you Jag Ooff
