Why does my semi-legal CS3 not work?

I downloaded several different copys of supposed cracked CS3 for mac, and none of them worked on any of my comps. I install it, and try to drag the app over the the patcher drop area, and it just says the patch cant be applied to this application? WTF, this came with the app, why does it not work?

I rummaged through the library and tryed to remove all the application support files and whatnot i could find. Why wont it patch? Does anyone have a working version they can send me or something? As in, the app already patched?

the patches all work, your doing it wrong

are you running leopard? i no there’s some out there that are for leopard and some are for previous versions. just seeing if you have the right one.

How? It says drop the application into the drop area, i do that and it chruns for 15 sec and says it didnt work.

Yes, im running 10.5.1, i tried it on 10.4.8, and 10.4.11 on 3 separate computers.

I guess ill go boot from a clean install and see if it works then.

Hmm I have one that worked flawless on my Leopard. Where are you getting your files? Leopard does require a special patch file.

Simple, you are too stupid to realize that there is nothing “semi-legal” about this, too dumb to come up with anything clever for your thread title(I think that is what you were trying to do there) and are also too stupid to pirate software.



See now if you were using windows it would work fine. But no you’ve got to be all trendy and more clever than the rest of us, all casual yet confident in your zippy and jeans while we’re insecure slaves to the man in our poorly fitting suits.



I got several versions, none of them said leopard, but it wouldn’t work in any version.

It worked fine in a clean install, i guess it had a problem with my legal install i had, and updated, and then we needed the 2 serials for other computers, so mine got deactivated. So i guess the older version was pissed. I never found all the fles it puts elsewhere, AppZapper got them though. Works fine now.

Well, i do own a full copy of CS3 for mac, so i would consider stealing it while owning a legal copy semi-legal. Why the fuck would i come up with a crafty title? Im not trying to impress you, Im trying to figure out why this isn’t working. And why post in this thread if your sole intention is to attempt to piss me off?

I own a Nissan. If I go steal another one is it semi-legal?

If you want it to be.
