Why has my weight loss all but stopped?

body fat is the key… over the last 5 years I’ve lost zero weight but lost 7-10% body fat…

If and when you lift,

High reps, low weight.

People look at me funny when I bench the bar 120x.

Plateau,I used to carb cycle when I’d hit one or stop dieting for maybe a week and then go back at it.


If and when you lift,

High reps, low weight.

People look at me funny when I bench the bar 120x.


lol as I would too, not common for people to do their cardio that way, most use weights for building or cutting on what’s already built. Only women bench more than 12x a set :gay3:

Muscular endurance rules.


lol as I would too, not common for people to do their cardio that way, most use weights for building or cutting on what’s already built. Only women bench more than 12x a set :gay3:


would you like me to rock off a couple 325lbs reps for you then? :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone has different goals :shrug:

I’m sure Howie knows his max bench could be a lot higher if he lifted heavier, but muscular endurance is so much more important in a lot of sports than just a short burst of retard-strength.

Especially if he is starting to grapple :slight_smile:

lol I’m just chain yankin and agreeing, I could see why most people would look at a guy doing 100 50lb reps and be like “WTF Mate?”

K so heres a question. I finally got around to re-joining a gym since I moved. Say I’m on an eliptical and I go pretty hard for 20 minutes and burn 300 calories. Is it better to go slower for 40 minutes while maintaining my target heart rate even though I may burn less calories assuming I’m trying to burn fat? Thanks


body fat is the key… over the last 5 years I’ve lost zero weight but lost 7-10% body fat…


best thing i’ve read in this thread :tup:


No soda. Ever. I only drink water, and the occasional lipton green tea as they are so delicious, but I try to stick to just water to avoid the extra calories from drinks.

Good point on the upper body. I have done very little in relation to upper body workouts. I should get in on that. I could stand to work on my core and abs too. I did pilates one day and suffered greatly for the next 2 days afterwards as my abs were so sore. So i think I still have a fair amount of area that could stand to see muscle development.

PS - I don’t belong to a gym, and have no desire to join a gym. I’m much more of an outdoors exerciser. I get WAY too bored with inside workouts and would never be able to maintain that type of routine.


I hear all of ya! Wait till you hit 30, than , oh god no,can’t be,40!! You want to talk about working to keep LBS off.
God, all this thinking, I need a beer!

talk to 540 guy he cant tell u nething u wanna know about losing weight, he can also get u on a program based on ur goals.

you need to start doing weights in the gym, drink a lot of powdered protein, prob like 2-3x more than you think you should to get the muscles built quicker. also if you work out daily you wont have to watch your diet specifically, drink a few gallons of water a day (ie always carry a jug around, so you keep drinking it). when i was building with my friend a few yrs ago i would eat anywhere from 5-7000 calories a day, and id still lose weight. build more muscle, it will burn more fat, increase your metabolism…


K so heres a question. I finally got around to re-joining a gym since I moved. Say I’m on an eliptical and I go pretty hard for 20 minutes and burn 300 calories. Is it better to go slower for 40 minutes while maintaining my target heart rate even though I may burn less calories assuming I’m trying to burn fat? Thanks


the best heartrate to burn fat is sorta the equivalent of a powerwalk or slow jog. if you work out harder your heart rate is up higher, which is better for cardio, but to burn the max amount of fat you need a slightly lower one…

I’m 5’11 and around 185 lbs. I started off the landscaping season at around 215 in early April. By early May I had already lost 25 lbs and noticed and increase in muscle mass just from raking leaves, pulling weeds, and trimming bushes etc. It is basicly light cardio for 30-50 hrs a week lol. Unfortunatly I then started working at darien lake and I re-gained like 5 lbs. Normally I would be doing alot of heavy lifting and bulking up right now…but I just walk around/drive a tractor all day. :tdown:. I want to join a gym or something to try to get back into shape alittle more. I have tried to cut my junk food intake which is quite high latly and I’ve been drinking 5-6 bottles of water every day at work. (we get cases of them). Hopefully I can kick my heavy pop pepsi lol, I drink probably 3-4 gallons of pepsi a week…which is actually alot less than I use to.


you need to start doing weights in the gym, drink a lot of powdered protein, prob like 2-3x more than you think you should to get the muscles built quicker. also if you work out daily you wont have to watch your diet specifically, drink a few gallons of water a day (ie always carry a jug around, so you keep drinking it). when i was building with my friend a few yrs ago i would eat anywhere from 5-7000 calories a day, and id still lose weight. build more muscle, it will burn more fat, increase your metabolism…


hrmmm. Almost want to call you on that one, but I don’t want to be a douche (I’m not) but even on a heavy weight gain diet, you shouldn’t and dont need be consuming more than twice your bodyweight in protein per gram. Not only can your body not absorb it, use it, but you’re gonna get major constipation if you even try.

Second, 7000cal, let alone 5000, is absurd. NO way anyone can consume that many healthy calories in a day.I even drink three 25g protien shakes a day, and a 75g post workout shake, and STILL have a hard time coming close to 3700cals. A 7k cal weightgain diet would result in about 3700 calories, or almost 1,000 grams of protein ALONE. Impossible. You’d be shitting bricks if ya tried.

Third, lifting every day is severely counter productive. You’ll barely gain a pound. Won’t tell ya why because my salmon is done cooking, but trust me, it is. :poke:

this thread is past the point of being helpful :smash2:

Yep, opinions on fitness are like assholes…

I vote for don’t eat any crap and do more stuff.


Only women bench more than 12x a set :gay3:


Only fags pay attention to what other men do at the gym, but maybe your one of those guys who likes to check out other guys muscles.

lol jk. Just saying people are entitled to do whatever kinda workout they want, they dont need to be critisized.


Only fags pay attention to what other men do at the gym, but maybe your one of those guys who likes to check out other guys muscles.

lol jk. Just saying people are entitled to do whatever kinda workout they want, they dont need to be critisized.


he wasn’t serious douchenozzle