Why i love my new base

besides the fact that i have absolutely NO work to do on a daily basis…

anyone military, prior, current or even have been on a base will find this funny…

as i was coming through the gate today from lunch (we have civilians running the gate) dude was standing outside waving people in… while brushing his teeth :lolsign:


What base are you stationed at?

brooks… right outside of san antonio

WTF is your job?

that’s my tax money at work :smiley:

:word: i pay taxes too lol


he does NOTHING

he didnt ask YOUR job


ive been busy today

boystown.com uploaded some new movies for ya ?

Still no response.

its super secret ninja squirrel stuff

ew… how do u even know of a site like that…

cause i sure as hell did not… FGGT

cause you tried to get me to join so you could get a discount… sik fuck

oh… and im in finance :frowning:

I was just wondering. Finance woot, as long as you like it thats cool though.

Yikes, I don’t do dick as a crew chief for the most part in the summer…

but when winter comes :frowning: De Icing planes fucking BLOWS!

^^shut up

and WTF… stop calling my phone by mistake… u did it twice last night…d-bag

eh… its ok… i guess desk work isnt bad, but i just hate sitting all day not doing anything

and yes de icing is very very bad… but then again youre in the PRETEND air force :wink: