Why is signature "vendor" editing so selective?

If you are worried about getting your airbrushing deleted… why not just become a sponsor and support the site. You are on here a lot… you could make money, just become a sponsor.

Deleting sigs w/ non sponsors is a good idea… I wouldn’t be a sponsor if everyone can rep other non paying businesses in their sig. Im also not a Nazi about it either… hell Shaler posted a thread about how good North Hills Auto Body is… you don’t see me crying about it… but some things need edited out. It happens on a lot of forums. If we leave sigs go… then it hurts Whitey as a board owner and hurts the paying sponsors… so if you wanna rep a company… have them become a sponsor… if you want to rep your airbrushing then pay for the advertising!

edit- you also cannot see every single sig with a link in it, sometimes you don’t even think about editing it, other people just stick out… they edit them as they come across them. Also for the record, the mods cannot edit a sig… only admins.