Why is this such a big deal?

That… is sad. And why the right will get exactly what they want eventually, and what the brainwashed talk show fox newsers think they want, with an “I told you so” attitude, when the fact will be that they themselves created the failure. With pride, I’m sure.
How can any sane individual not think this country is fucked up, regardless of who runs it? We need a good civil war or Pearl Harbor. Joking… but in a sense, that’s all that really brings this country together any more.

I don’t want to be brought together with these idiots. I want them all on their own little island. Just build a big fucking fence around Texas and let them have their own little utopia.

How will ron paul be president if he can’t escape ?

It’s cool. I’d be happy to take on the responsibility.

a lot of people though he was going to give a partisan speech…anyone who did think he would do that to school kids is a RETARD.

no matter if you like him or not…he is one of the best inspirational speakers of our time so like someone already posted…if the speech helps one kids it was worth it.

people are so fucking stupid & uninformed it makes me SICK!.

fixed it for you. :slight_smile:

I don’t think he is a “great” speaker, he is just a typical politician.

You’re the stupid and uninformed one. Sean Hannity told me so!

you’re an idiot.
like i said…like him or not…he IS one of the greatest inspirational speakers of our time

i’m all about thinning the heard.

no, he is not.

you’re the idiot.

you hear about the million moron march they were supposed to have this past weekend in washington.

sponsored by these upstanding organizations

great comeback