Why PMS isn't something to take lightly...

So my Gf and got in a fight, and it was a good one. Lasted atleast 30mins… so i tell her to leave, she says no…then help her out side… she walks to the car i shut my front door… and i hear a loud crash… she ran back and knocked my bikeover!!!.. totally fucking up my plastics, scratching my tank, frame etc…took every ounce of controll not to knock her head off… and i caught her too!!.. and i had to let her go… or risk goin to jail for murder… so here i sit… and im thinkin about it. and im pretty pissed off… and i really cant do shit about cause not only do i work for her mom, but i owe her mom $$ UGH!!! PMS is an evil evil thing… miserable bitch…
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

do it
p.s. thats jeff goldblum’s film debut

claim she did it with her car
collect ins money
tell her to GTFO

now that…is a seriously fucked up thing to do. i don’t care how pissed off you are at someone- you never mess with their stuff. Especially things like a car/bike. It’s common sense. That’s really immature.

I’d never forgive her.

hahahahahaha she just called me and asked if she could come back here to sleep!!! and the cops are here takin a report!!

Tell her when she fixes your bike or has the money too - she can come on back .

I will… long enough for her to order me new ones on mommys credit card :smiley: then im gonna kick her to the corner

^ahhahaha … perfect

let mommy worry about gettin the $ from her, lol

i got her convinced that everything is fine… let the "pay"back begin :slight_smile:

make her pay for it… if my g/f ever laid her hands on my baby…bike or car… it would take every ounce of me to not treat her like a guy…and kick the living shit out of her… but dude… get the money out of her and ditch her. that is not good…what next…she could get in a hour long fight with you and then burn your house down…and say…babe…im sorry i didnt mean to

If my gf ever did that shit to me she would be dropped faster then she could say the “I” in Im sorry.

I’m @ her house… and “We” are lookin on ebay for new plastics… as soon as i get them im gonna tell her to die. shes got no clue… its great

Well played, sir. :tup: Bravo. Perhaps IDB b4 you break the news also? :ftw:

do it you wont.

i’lll bet you $100 you will be back with her in a few days.

crazy bitches need to gtfo. its for your own good. i know it may be hard…

and the best part is, shes got no legal recourse

its not like she can take you to court and claim “well yea, i wrecked his bike on porpose, but i only fixed it because i thought we were getting along again”

make sure you get the $ to repaint the tank and frame

i cant even begine to imagine how amazingly fucking retarded she has to feel right now … in the blink of an eye she threw a grand(?) into the fire …

whats the bill looking like so far ?

On top of it all… got up this morning and some one tried to steal my bike… it was sitting next to the street on its side… with MORE RASH!!! UGHGHGHGHGH and it was the bitch cuz i was with her!?

bad luck > ME

call the cops dumbass

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