what would you take this quote as?

The thing about life is…
its exactly what you make of it

me and my girl friend have been fighting lately , and sent me a txt saying that…she hasnt talked to me in a week and sent that…

She’s probably sick of fighting. Which is most likely obvious. What are you guys fighting over anyways? Fights are stupid.

i think it means shes making out life, with other dewds


haha gay reason…

we have been together for almost 2 years now

  1. her schudle is way to busy and we see each other for about 6 hours a week
  2. she gets pissed when i go out
  3. she wont go out with me and my friends

last week i asked her if we could take a break because i wasnt happy because i wasnt seeing her , and she agreed and now she wont talk to me now…

she even passed down the sabres game last night…!

:word: its pointless to fight, it gets both of u nowhere

it means sorry but i found someone with a larger penis and more money, and probably drive something sick like a honda or something super duper ultra cool like that

ya that honda thing probably got me…

i dont think she found someone else new just because we dont even have time to hang out …

i care alot about her and i want us both to be happy just pisses me off that she wont talk to me about it…

i mean if she wants to end it tell me , because soon i will

I bet she’s getting gangbanged right now.

  1. she gets pissed when i go out
  2. she wont go out with me and my friends

relationship failure in progress …

has she also asked you to find new friends that she approves of instead of the current ones she doesnt approve of ?

ya i was thinkin i could save about 1000 dollars if we do break up seeing christmas is around the corner and her birthday

plus then i could start saving up for my new car in the spring…

ill let you know how she feels when she wakes up

i understand it sucks that u dont get to see her much if shes busy. maybe u should stay in with her one night instead of going out with ur friends.

she was probably all hoped up on the “Q” when she sent that text.

I had a boyfriend who wouldn’t hang out with my friends. We’d always hang out with his though. It really sucked. We broke up.

I think you and your girl are going to break up.

Who needs a girlfriend anyways?

Shes saying its all your fault.

Post a pic of her and lets see if she is worth it.

naked pictures for better judgement

hahaha haha idk about that

dont be such a hater and post them

does she drive a white mustang?

AH HA !!!

he has naked pictures of her … otherwise his answer would have been:

*i dont have any
*i cant do that

or something else of the sort