
Its because you women are wired wrong. It’s eaiser to understand Bianary 0110001000100000010001000 than it is to understand you women.

You want attention but too much attention is a bad thing, you want a guy to treat you right but if he treats you too nice its a bad thing, you want a bad boy but if he is too bad and cheats on you, its a bad thing. Yes means no, no means yes, unless its a partial moon with mars through 1/4 of its yearly rotation.

Look at what you women what and your’ll see why none wants to answer this question.

Not trying to be rude about it but it’s the truth.

Just stirring the pot :kekegay:



I agree with this…sadly…I also believe that I have grown up alot…I have found that I KNOW what I want and can express what I need ,when I need it, without confusion hopefully.

I will accept that as a responsible answer. No offence it’s your age group. None of you have any idea what you want. I actually prefer older women because of this and what I had to deal with the past year and prior 4 years of my life.

because they whine about attention ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

He’s married and still palys video games???

yes he still plays video games and he is married. But i am talking about he is overseas and he was talking to me on the phone and fell asleep. And being a military wife is hard. I just wanted to know why its so hard to want attention but all I want is to cuddle or be asked to play video games with him. I have to say that you are right about we all want attention and whien about it. But men whine too.

cause your all crazy everyone last one of you

Oh He already told me what he wants to do when he comes home from R&R so the two weeks he is on you wont see me posting on here. And thanks alot. Being married to the amry is hard work. Esp, worrying about my husband and my best friend over there. I get the attention I need but its hard to not be able to get cuddled and kissed for 3 more months then 9 after that!

crazy is not a strong enough word…

waiting for Jimmay’s reply…

How is it my age group then and classify that. Me and my husband have our priorities straight and we both know what we want. the reason you like older woman is because they dont bitch and moan. But you know what being married young and not being around the block a few times is great.

Fuck woman, if it wasn’t for sex & companionship they would be worthless…

Okay I will say it woman are insane, strange, crazy and weird. but you all love woman. what would you all do without us?

Live in San Fransisco:dunno:

that is total bull. You think woman are worthless. try carrying a baby for 10 months, cleaning up after men and dealing with all their bullshit about cars and hot girls. who would you fuck if there weren’t any woman around?

What was the question again?

It called sarcasm sister:hitit:

I’m having a bad day today, my birthday is in a week and i dont wanna celebrate it at all

Chooo Chooo :boink