Wicked Ass Volvo

I just stumbled upon this while I was looking for wallpapers, and I have been staring at it in awe for about 20min.

Just amazing.



High res images here:

More pics:


yep… when I first saw that I did the same thing.

Very, very nice.

that’s possibly one of the most gorgeous cars I’ve ever seen.

I must admit, i don’t care for the red seats. something slightly more classy would have done more for me

It was at SEMA this year at the Ford booth. By far the best car there. Its even nicer in person.

That is freaking amazing, Holy SHIT

i gotta say i disagree with you on that one :stuck_out_tongue:

absolutely beautiful.

that thing is sick!

I would most definitely drive that. So much money put into that car.

wow is an understatment… wow… lol, i second benson’s statements, holy shit…! That thing is absolutely frickin amazing.

wow ill 3d bensons “holy shit!”