Wicked get off for Chad Reed at Millville

highsided, top of 4th gear, off the lip of a 80’ table top = :wow

Then gets back on the bike, stays on lead lap, and finish’s 15th in that moto, 5th over all that weekend!!!

He said it was the absolute scariest crash he ever had.

holy shit dude. My jaw dropped when I saw him launch it. WASNT expecting that.

Reed is deff. one of my top riders right next to Windham.

saw that clip earlier, thats amazing!

Wow, just wow.

Holy crap man - with the exception of not crashing - I don’t think he could have possibly landed that any better, on the down-slope of the steep side of the landing ramp, with a good roll. Wow.

The worst part- is he was already separating from the bike about halfway up the take off. Just more time to think about the short, long trip you’re about to take. :frowning:

Def better looking than the spinal-injury Doug Henry crash. That one is always bad to watch.

Yeah I recorded the race and watched it last night… When he fell and didnt move, my heart sank, and I felt like I did when I watched Brian Degan bail mid backflip way back in the X-games and fall 40’ to flat bottom and not move. I thought I just watched someone die. :frowning:

Yeah Chad got fucking lucky, it didnt buck him to the left a few degrees more, if he didnt catch the backside of the jump, and hit the flat, no doubt if he survived he would be paralyzed.

I launched off the big step up jump at twister exactly like he did, top of 3rd. A quad clipped my back tire on the take off and sent me over the bars sideways, I slammed my body into the face of the step up from about 15 feet… I cant even imagine rolling the windows down for 3 seconds at least spotting your bodies landing 30+ feet bellow you! Its one thing to be able to clear bad injuries from the back of your mind when you swing a leg over the bike… but wiping the memories in which caused the injury… just doesnt happen (unless you are KTFO’d when it happens).

Deegan’s crash… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGpLwRxagBI

Ugh, yeah those one or two seconds where he’s not moving. Ugh.

Here’s one of the clips from Henry’s crash in 1995 at Budds Creek. What most people refer to as the worst crash clip ever:


yeah that is def something the sport will never forget. That was just a DUMB layout for that track to do it like that. There was another track that had a blind step down like that, and at the bottom was a flat 180 turn then back up the hill. My uncle was at the track and all of a sudden they see someone launch off the lip, clear the entire landing and end up in the crowd at the bottom. Rider broke his back, people spectating got hurt bad too. He was helping stabilize one guy that go creamed by the bike. Redflagged the race. I guess the rider said he simply forgot what turn it was… they promptly changed the track layout there too.
