Take it easy dudes

Kind of disturbing (no gore) vid, at least for me; caught moments after the crash. Guy lives in Taiwan hit a wet patch and low sided into the railings and landed in the gutter, he was unconscious for 5 mins and had a dislocated knee. He lucked out since I can see a lot of ways he can be killed from this…


Thats crazy, just pulling up and seeing a guy laying in the ditch next to a crashed bike.

Dead/alive, who the hell knows.

Wonder what happened, going too fast for the turn? Wet patch by itself wouldn’t be an issue without rider error.

That is a very disturbing video.

Back when my dad was a kid, him and my uncle would go riding up in the mountains, but my uncle would always take off.

My dad rounded a turn to see bike parts everywhere and my uncle laying in a ditch on the side of the road, unconscious. (Same uncle ended up losing his leg going over 100mph on the on-ramp to 890 off of Rt7 in the rain with an inexperienced passenger on back, 5 minutes before I was born.)

Sounds like a vlad crash