Please ride safe and don't end up like this guy...



+1 that sucks

I couldnt decide which reply to post so here’s both:

You mean like a total jackass on public roads and then your friends make a video w/ a Creed song?


Yo Rocketpunch, ima let u finish, but Vlad had the best guardrail bike wreck of ALL TIME

Not bad, not bad.

:rofl +rep

On a srs note, had a kid I know die almost exactly the same way… crazy shit

was it that kid from rotterdam a few yrs back?

One of the reasons why I won’t be getting back on another bike for a while.

Am I drunk or did they not show an accident/wreck of any kind?


And as soon as i seen the guardrail, i thought of vlad :lmao.


ah yea, i used to “work” with his sister back in the day

thats why race tracks that hold that speed dont have guard rails.

Have you seen this Doohan motorcycle safety commercial? :lol