Crash last night

Just to let everyone know. KKKustom went down on his bike lastnight. I wasn’t home yet, but it was a couple houses up from mine. My dad ran up there and another neighbor who is a Doctor was first on scene. My dad said he was concious but had bruised up quickly on his side. So they had to fly him to the hospital because they weren’t sure if he had internal injuries. My cousin is friends with his family. I haven’t heard much yet, but I guess he’s doing ok as of lastnight. My cousin brought down his trailer and we loaded his bike onto it. It wasn’t in to bad of shape at all. He had bent the right side of the handle bars a bit, broke the front brake lever and a few other minor scratches. When I got there, it was only the Trooper taking some measurments and I’m thinking she’s going to try to stick him. I took some photos myself. I’m not an expert, but I just looked at his tires, the skids and where it had stopped. I don’t think he was going to quick, and there is gravel on that turn all the time. I think he hit that, locked up the rear tire. Slid a ways up onto my neighbors yard. The problem is, I think he slid sideways to the left then high sided. I think when he was throw from the bike, he might’ve hit the tree. Again, it was all that I could figure out. He’ll have to tell the story when he gets on. The trooper tried to say he was doing 70 mph. My dad argued with her on that. My dad made the point that anyone could’ve went out there with a bicycle and locked the rear brake and gotten it to skid the 60’ that his motorcycle had left. Then the cop said she rode bike too and knew how it all went down. My dad tried to argue with her, but I told him to stop before she went bitch cop on him. So his rear tire locked and only went 70’ before stopping. I doubt that he was going that 70mph, if his bike came to a stop in 70’. But again, I’m no expert. If it wasn’t for the couple of trees, he probably would’ve walked away from it.

So everybody say a prayer for Mike. Hope you heal up quick man.

oh wow.
Hope he is alright and recovers quick!

I think this was in the news paper this morning. Was someone else riding with him as well?


This is why bikes scare me, good luck to him and I hope he is well soon.

Hope he recovers fully and the cops don’t see his posts on here where he proclaims he rides like a ‘fucktard’ cause its safer

It happened in the Town of Amsterdam. My dad didn’t mention anyone else being there.

The crash in the paper happened in colonie

Shit man … Mike if you’re reading, I hope you recover soon man! Sorry to hear about this, I hope it all works out from the legal end as well.

gendy, if they didnt before, they will now so you should prolly edit that out…

wow man that sucks… where in amsterdam if u dont mind me asking?

Sorry to hear :frowning:

Wow, hope he isn’t too bad.

I’m not super religious or anything, but I am Catholic and I will say a prayer for him.

Wow, dude!! Sucks to hear!

I hope he’s doing alright. :frowning:

I almost killed a biker last night, i looked in my rear view to change lanes, then looked in front of me to make sure there was enough room, then luckily i looked in my rear view quick again and a bike came up on me doing like 120 weaving in and out of cars and shit, if i didnt look in my rear view the 2nd time this guy would be dead and people would think it was my fault, not the jackass doing 120 with no signals cutting in between cars and shit. I know alot of you guys are bikers on here, i really hope you dont ride like that.

I saw that bike on a flat bed last night when i was coming home from work.

hope he gets better soon.

Best of luck, hope he recovers fully.

It’s not fun, but it definitely happens.

oh shit! i just saw this!

I took some photos myself.

Are you able to share some of them?
