Crash last night

It was on Swart Hill Rd in Amsterdam. I took the photos on my cousins camera. I’ll try to get them this weekend. Hopefully they will show all the gravel. There is a Farm that sells grain on my road. So big trucks go up and down all day long and usually hug the side of the road. When they do, they pick up all the gravel on the side of the road, and kick it onto the road.

hope he recovers soon

this is why ill never ride a bike

oh man thats no good! me and mike rode dirtbikes a bunch of times and he took his ktm to my gf’s house right off of swart hill rd.

Probably THE worst wreck ive ever seen. on the colonie/rotterdam border by pinewood school.
1st bike was un recognizable. looked like a hunk of metal. second bike wasnt that bad. Shoes/cloths/and bike parts littered that whole lawn/road.

Heard hes in critical condition at 8pm last night.

Hope you heal up quick guy!

i talked to him today he’s doing ok. two broken ribs pusted up wrist and messed up back and shoulder. slight internal stuff but nothing that need surgery. he should be out of the hospital tomorrow

Any word from him on how he went down?

Thanks for the update.

Glad to hear its doing alright, no surgery is good. Hope he will have a speedy recovery.

Ouch. Gravel is the devil.


and yes, wish him a speedy recovery.

and mods split this bullshit. update he’s still in the hospital and doing well. pain is more manageable and hopefully he’ll be out in a day or two.

That’s good news.

Was he wearing any gear aside from a helmet?

not sure

hi friends. i am home. got out this afternoon. how it happened.

I was on my way home from work, Alpinestars leather jacker, hjc carbonfiber helmet, Carbon gloves, but Lugswork office shoes and jeans… usually have riding jeans and thore 50/50 boots. i ride the higway to work adntake back roads i grewup onon tehway home to not devlope flat spots on teh tires. I want dicking off at all,i ride much different in that get up and by myself than i do with full gear and soemone else. thats when i ‘ride like a fuck tard’ :slight_smile:

The turn to the left is blind to oncoming traffic, and the trun to the right isnt… it is a big field on the right if your going towards MT, Lorretto, which I was. I took the left around 40ish, 3rd gear andand started inot the right steady throttle in 3rd. looked up turn and there wa a ton of gravel. waayyy more that usuall… looks like some car was flying anddropped a tire on the turn and kicked alot of stone on the road. Knowing I would loose my shoe, and get ground up from the jacket down and could break a leg too, I made sure nobody was on comming, and straightened out the turn and got on tehe front brake hard and locked the rear, and pointed it towards a yard. I went off around 30 or so and got ejected, left side of my body hit a small post, right side bake hit the tree. never hit my head. stayed consious the entire time. Local dr mentioned above was first to me. we checked my toe and movements and staiblized me. short breathing soi kenw i broke ribs. took a flight to albany in 12 minutes. long story short, 5 ct trips and 6 xray trips later: 2 broken ribs, 10 & 12, laceriated spleen and kidney, bleedign stopped on its own day 2. broken right wrist, reset and casted. right shouilder is brused bad but intact. left knee to butt cheek, tore my hamstring. makes walking and moveing really painfull. I am on alot of shit right now, but home. ill post more tomorrow, but I wanted to say thanks to everyone for thinking about me and cheering me up over the weekend. Big thanks to the gixerron and his family for being there for me, and everyone at albany med and gavac, exclient job and i thank you very very much.

glad to hear you’re out and about and doing well considering

Glad to hear youre back home.

Good to hear your ok man! Def dont let them stick you with any speed tickets, fight the man!!!

WOW…bad week for shift bikes, Just happy your alright!!

hoping for a good recovery for you man

Wow… lotsa damage. Hang in there man and enjoy the drugs while they are free. Hope you take the right steps in letting the body recover. Glad your “ok”. Damn. Thanks for posting .