Crash last night

Good to hear you’re home now and doing ok. I’m the same way, unless I’m suited up with all the gear on, I usually don’t ride to hard coming home from work. When I loaded your bike onto the trailer. I checked what gear you were in. But because the cop was right there, I kept quiet. I’m surprised they didn’t check that. Another thing, nearly every year in the winter, somebody flys off the first turn and go sliding into the field. It’s a tight one if you don’t know about it. The problem with the gravel is because of the trucks leaving Arnolds’ farm always go onto the shoulders and kick up stones. This year is worse than usual for some reason though. You have to be careful coming up to the turn on top of the hill by Krutz rd., too. There is always gravel accross the entire road now. I almost lost it there in the spring. Anyways, I hope you heal up quick and can get a little riding in before the snow falls.

yeah dude, that left is a blind decreasing radius too. Steff saw the dr lady that was first on site, turns out she saw the entire thing, and can atest to me riding normally and i wasnt fucking around, so if the troopers try anything i am good. She also said she was worried, becasue i hit the tree HARD. Steff told he i was up and walking and she said that is amazing from the impact she saw. I also didnt think i hit my head but i looked at my helmet today and i cracked the carbonfiber about 2 inches up above the google area towards the bolt for the visor! and there are a few scratches o the chin piece, so it looks like i hit soemthing. I Owe HJC a ton too, beause this was a Sneel/DOT carbon helmet! I will never ride a cheap helmet again.

glad your ok :thumbup

kkkustom, glad you are doing ok. get well soon!

Damn. One of my roomies at UTI wiped his bike out the same way riding normally and hit some gravel and slid into a telephone pole. cops tried to screw him too but the witness who called 911 stood up for him. Thats scary stuff. sorry the cop was trying to be a bitch but glad to hear the recovery is going well.

glad your not worse man, police suck cack, hope you heal up and all is well

I bet that helmet was the difference between life and death.

fuck swart hill rd., shes a doozie lol

Any pictures of the road/damage or bike?

glad to hear your doing ok!!