Wii > 60" TV


i so called this months ago

this is what you get for being a faggot gaming gay faggot.

gamers = teh lose.

hahaha. wow.

You like Mario 64 so are you a faggot too?

lol. i liked it for like a week.
i’ll play them occaisionally. i am not a gamer.

it only takes one time

suck one dick and your a fag forever

I bet these kids are the kind of gamers who played the 8 bit nintendo and couldn’t keep their hands still during a game of excite bike.

I still want this system.

Haha, owned. How hard were they swinging the damned remote. :lol:


he let go of the remote, just like it was a bowling ball … and THEN the strap broke

which resulted in the pwnage of a 60" tv …

i am guessing that they broke the strap afterward because they weren’t using it. This gives them an excuse to sue.

i meant to say this in my original reply, but got too heated about gamers…

nah, they were on their 348’th game of bowling, and had been releasing the remote every time … it failed due to repeated stress

i find it retarded that they bought a wii and played a bowling game on it tho … thats like buying a gaming sytem to pretend that your riding a bicycle

fucking christ … just go do it in real life, the graphics are better in real life anyways

definitely wasnt a faulty strap. what are the odds you lose grip of the remote the exact same turn that the strap breaks

edit- Why would they release it everytime, lol

i went bowling last night, and my hand hurts uber bad from only playing 3 games. plus, i think the bowling ball gave me herpes. that’s what my slutty friend told me anyway…

It’s for people like me with flimsy paper wrists. :slight_smile:

The bowling game comes with the system. A good, and strangely addicting way to learn the remote. As well as the other games, just ask Alex he played with it a bit last night.


fuck, i missed playing the Wii last night … thats right … ugh. oh well, i was tired and dirty after the saturn

and i kinda figured it was a demo game for the sake of learning the remote, but i chose to ignore that in my earlier post, lol

and dont worry about your paper wrists, passmcgrass apparently has them too :slight_smile:



hands/= wrists. i have weird thumbs :ham:

hahaha amazing