Wii causes one death.....

well actually it was water intoxication.

yeah, i heard about this. my mom would never do that for me. i wounder how the winner feels.

that radio station is fubared

i thought darwin was having a cosmo in DR with howie

guess not huh

and the audio…


they were talking about that on O&A. They played a clip of the woman who died (obviously before she died… she was talking about not feeling very good). it was kind of chilling

and yeah, that station is FUBAR… I guess an intern even said for her to go to the doctors or something as he knew that too much water can be fatal

yep, they are fucked

indifference leading to death = fucked

Wii —> Water Intoxication Incident…

or Wii… as in nintendo wii…id imagine they signed a waiver… crazy that you could die from this… how much water did the contestant consume… over what period of time?

you think they would have learned from the college kids that all got sued for the same thing. About 4 years ago a frat in upstate NY had one of their pledges die from water intoxication. They made the pledges drink as much water as possible and one died, same story, same ending.

What actually happens to the body to make you die? I saw “heart failure” but, why? What does the water do?

same way alky kills you

instead of “blood - alcohol content”, you have a high “blood -water content”

water, just like alcohol, cannot carry oxygen like blood does, leading to the same drunk feeling, and after a certian point your blood cant carry enough oxygen to support life, and you life functions start to fail

i was just watching something, i guess she drunk 2 full gallons no idea how long tho. the 3 dj’s and 10 of the radio station employees are gone. the sad thing is that trich the head dj is cracking jokes and shit

Yeah its a pretty shitty deal.
Callers were warning the DJ’s of the risks prior to them starting the contest but they just brushed it off.

They may be facing some pretty heavy charges now.

Just plain crazy.

Id feel like million bucks, gotta hang with the big dogs if yur gonna win a wii, beeatch.

so, did anyone buy her kids a Wii?


uncle bootsy just don’t give a damn

same thing happened to that kid adn the farternity a few years ago. they had to drink jugs of water and he ended up dying from too much water

uncle bootsy says ‘too layzie to read tha thread’


Uh… not quite.


When you drink to much water it lowers the electrolytes (particularly sodium) in your blood.


Pretty scary that if you’re on a low sodium diet it can happen with as little as 1.8 liters of water.

Gatoraid FTW.