Wii Play


It’s so hard to get into zelda, once I do though I go at it for hours. But then it’s back to square one again when I try to pick it back up.

But Wii sports is just that easy and super accessible. It doesn’t take much thought, in a way it’s just like Duck Hunt, or the original mario. No story, no management, no real options. Just start it and play.

Likewise nothing has really come close to taking advantage of the remote, it seems to be going though a GC style drought at the moment. Most developers have one, and only one game coming out to test the viability of it. Which sucks as it’s probably going to be a year before we see any must haves for it.

One thing I have found odd though is most Wii games have not even touched what the game cube was capable of besides Zelda. And even then Resident Evil 4 completely blows it out of the water and then some.