
NFS sucks on WII

I finally had a chance to play the WII on vacation. It basically sucks balls. Single player games are absolutely horrid and the only thing even remotely fun about the WII is multiplayer after a case of beer. We had a WII, a xbox360, and a PS2 at the beach house and the 360 was by far the most fun to play.

Yea, i just configured mine to play like that. It makes it a lot better.

I love my 360 I wouldn’t mind trying out the wii but I still love the 360 mainly for the game play of FPS and TPS (third person shooters ex. Gears of War) Halo 3 FTW though.

Halo > all other games IMO

The Wii was a ton of fun when I played Chad’s. I loved it.

Just got back from a friends house playing mario party 8. It was pretty fun. Sucked because around the time we really started to get into it food was served.

my wii died WTF!!! getting a new one

a guy i work with is having a hard time finding for one for his nieces

anyone know of any retailers that have them in stock.

he just wants the unit…not some crazy bundle with a ton of stuff.

a guy i know just got his from game stop online, he had to buy it as a package for like 500, but he got a shit load of stuff

yeah…he doesn’t want all that…Sams club is the same way.

if anyone knows a place thats got the normal setup let me know.

talk to slowcamaro


I know where some are coming this weekend

nintendo had a press release that wii’s are gonna be in short supply for the christmas season so its going to be a clusterf@ck to get one, if anyone wants to get one shoot me a private message and i can see what i can do to help you out.

i should buy another one to sell on ebay for xmas :slight_smile:

Rampage on Wii is awesome! FYI

Hate to bump an old thread. I finally got a wii a couple months ago. I didn’t know it had a built in wireless card.

My wii number is 2422 7786 1658 9124