
your name is chad correct ?


where are all the wii owner`s posting from my wii right now

eh. trying to navigate the browser on the wii isnt worth it.

Wiikey installed and working flawlessly. Took me a little over an hour from knocking off the first rubber foot to replacing it. The solder points are small but I have lots of practice on popping these suckers in. Mine was even the newest DVD-ROM chipset (D2B) which is the more troublesome of them. I already have a list of people who want this done… PM me if you want on it. Chad, how does next Sunday work for you?

I don’t think it’s that bad. It won’t replace my PC but I think its a pretty neat setup it uses. My sister uses it to check her e-mail since her PC is in the same room as her 1 year old. Just for basic web browsing she likes it better than her computer. (she hardly uses the computer in the first place though)

My buddy did some serious reading and got another chip, i guess these some problem with the Wiikeys… i gotta find out wtf he was talking about. Its on my AIM logs on my laptop.

The only problem I am aware of is any GAMECUBE game that uses streaming audio will fuck up. I read a few of the titles somewhere and can’t recall any of them. But since I have no intention of playing Gamecube games I didn’t think twice about it. They all solder in the same way though - so chip preference is up to whoever is getting it modded. The Wiinja does not have the Gamecube audio problem but is usually ~$10 more.

the 20th or 27th?

I meant this coming Sunday, the 20th - but whichever works for you.

could prob come in the afternoon. gotta go to PSU fri to sat. ill let you know. i think sonny is gonna roll down as well

Cool with me. Any time Sunday is fine, just let me know about when. Sonny is always welcome to roll down here with you.

im gonna be down that way fri late morning / early afternoon. working? haha

Yep. I work till 5. Home before 5:30

ok. we’ll shoot for sun then

Anyone have need for speed carbon for the wii? Just wondering if i could use the classic style controller to play that game instead of wii-motes. Just not really feeling turning the controller to steer.

I have it. I’ll try it tomorrow with the classic controller and the game cube controller. I doubt they’ll work though. It seems designed around the wiimote.

i’m about 99% sure that it wont work. your pretty much stuck using the remote as a steering wheel. if anything you can get the steering wheel, but thats like 20 bucks for a hunk of plastic.

did ya try it?

Yes, I tried it. Gamecube - no. Classic controller - no.

But you can use the nunchuck to steer using the analog. You then use the wiimote as the gas/brake by tilting it. That is opposed to the other way when you steer by turning it and gas/brake with the buttons.