Wikileaks, round 2.

Maybe if it’s not in network-wide OT then whoever it is that gets their panties in a bunch and closes the thread every time someone mentions that we’re from two different countries will leave it alone. :squint:

Anyhow… HOW THE FUCK IS WIKILEAKS NOT SHUT DOWN??? Transparency is one thing, sabatoging the war efforts of your own country is high treason.

The leaking of 90,000 U.S. intelligence documents has put hundreds of Afghan lives at risk because the files identify informants working with NATO forces, The Times of London reported on Wednesday.

In just two hours of searching the WikiLeaks archive, reporters found the names, villages, and fathers’ names of dozens of Afghans credited with providing intelligence to U.S. forces, the paper said.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said that all the released reports were checked for named informants and that 15,000 such documents had been held back to protect people.

Despite his claim, The Times of London gave examples of informants named in the released documents.

This is absolutely sabotoging the entire Afghan war. It’s an unconventional war, won by special forces working with locals. This is going to blow the whole thing up. Assange should be put to death. He’s going to get so many people on our side killed it’s mind boggling.

Insert redneck comment here: Wouldn’t it be easier to blow the whole damn thing up?

This was posted on SVRider and turned into a crapfest lol.

Maybe it’s a test to find all the people in the world interested in the information?

Some guy in an office with a squeaky window is probably logging everyone that reads the site.

thats a war wroth sabotaging. US been there 9 years with the goal of capturing and killing bin laden. 9 years and they havnt found a chin pube. fuck that war.

probably all the money i’ve bene donating.

i keep hearing that the US shut down his funding and that his accounts for paypal etc. have been seized.

As a result i don’t want to do another paypal donation, i’d rather mail cheques but i have a feeling that he wont get anything you send through the information on his website.

if i were single and not gainfully employed i’d probably volunteer to work for wikileaks. Vital organization.

heh america coming one step closer to nazi germany every other day

Hundreds of thousands of Afghans are dead as a result of America’s war.

Million+ are dead as a result of the american led gulf wars, sanctions, etc… in Iraq.

Not to mention the left over DUMP of garbage of depleted uranium and chemical weapons that have polluted the land as well as caused a rise in deformities, birth defects, miscarriages, cancers, and a variety of other diseases unlike ever before. It’s frickin depressing to even think about of all the onslaught damage to the world America has done and is continuing to do… it’s sickening.

Wikileaks is a hero to mankind and humanity

lol this made me think of some of yous:

Dude, I liked you before from Network OT but you’re moving from rational counterpoints to blind hatred of the US. What’s the deal?

yeah it’s silly… Ahmed, get back to your previous level of amusing or else… :slight_smile:

You guys can’t handle it? I don’t care :slight_smile: Apparently you must put me on ignore because it’s too much for you to handle.

Oh I know, make useless remarks like “oh you don’t have oil so I don’t care”.

These various issues I posted about are not a joke, maybe they are a joke to you, but that’s why the rest of the world is starting to take America as a joke as well.

If you would like to get extremely technical about treason then we can do that. The US has not had a formal declaration of war against anyone, therfore it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to be committing an act of treason involving war in any way. Also…president Barry Soetoro has already committed an act of high treason when he took the chairmanship of the UN security council. George W bush committed high treason with signing statements in 2007. Neither of them have been punished or indicted for what they’ve done, and they are both responsible for the deaths of over a million Iraqi civillians. Once again the media is using the founder of Wikileaks as a scapegoat for a war that cant be won, and to dristract from the fact that this unconstitutional, evil, empire building war is bankrupting this country and causing the rest of the world to hate us.

I was hoping you would find your way over here. There aren’t many who “get it” around here. Are the acts of high treason you are referencing the subordination of our constitution to another organization? If so, then build gallows for them too.

You touched on something else I’ve been chewing on for a while: Would wikileaks even have any power if the supreme court forced congress to declare war as required by the constitution before sending our troops abroad? What I mean is if we as a country had to understand and accept the ugliness of what we were about to do, instead of letting our leaders gloss over it and make it seem less awful, before we do it then would anybody even care about Wikileaks? We have a luxury of saying “OMG civilians died?! We interrogated POW’s for information? I had no idea!” that I think comes in part from not every declaring war and fully immersing ourselves in what we were about to do before we started bombing. “A school house blew up? But I thought we were just like sending in some commandos to stab bin laden and maybe a few of his buddies. That sounds really awful. How on Earth did this little mission come to that?”

Sidenote: We’ve never declared war? Really?

We’ve declared war, just not for the current snafus. Under FDR was the last time we did it, against Japan and then Germany and Italy 3 days later.
Before that it was the War of 1812, Spanish-American, Mexican-American, and WWI.

how can you declare war on an organization with no official status?

Wikileaks would be unaffected by a declaration of war anyways. Raw information doesnt care about manufactured bureaucracy.

With or without a national consensus the information is not the property of the military, it’s real accounts of things that actually happened, it belongs to everyone, especially the people it happened to. Even if we all agreed that the war was just and productive the information wikileaks provides would be just as necessary to share and to be considered. Wikileaks is provacotive because it exposes secrecy and because it tells you there there sooooo much more that isn’t shared.

You can’t develop a whole and inclusive perspective without the whole truth and so and and so forth blah blah blah whatever

Barak Obamas form of high treason was that he committed the act of actively participating in the administrative decision making of an international organization or a seperate country or another soveirgn state. I cant remember the exact clause of the contitution but trust me its in there. if someone really wants to challenge me on it I will look it up, its burried in there somewhere. George Bush’s was a subversion of his presidential power. He blantantly used a signing statement to say that he was going to ignore the bill that forced him to stop using torture (thats what this country has come to, we have to pass a law saying we can’t torture when its already in the constitution and Geneva convention). He went far beyond the limited power that his office of president allows him and that is an act of high treason. As for the reast of your statement I can respond to that. History has shown (especially US history) that if your war is just and actually for good, millions of your citizens will voluntarily sign up to fight and die for the cause. If your war is an evil disgusting lie used to expand your empire, make money for corporations, send young men to die for said corporations and bankrupt your own country, then your people will march, revolt, demonstrate outside your palace, and evetually have a revolution. We are just waiting on that last one. So whether or not we actually declared war against iraq or afghanistan is of little importance. The media may make tea partiers and war resisters look like idiots, but like I said before, they are smart enough to know the gig is up, and this war is a lie. The declaration of it makes very little difference. And yes we have declared war, the revolutionary war, war of 1812, mexican american war, WWI and WWII. Since then we have not. Thats why Ron Paul had some balls in 2002 when he went before congress with a declaration of war against iraq and said “If we are to go to war then lets do it the right way” not one person voted for it, including him.

i’m challenging you on it… PRODUCE!

Didn’t have to dig to far actually, Article 1, section 9. “No person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the congress, accept any present, emolument, office or title, of any kind WHATSOEVER, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

Two of the more interesting things I’ve read in a while. Thanks for taking the time to write it…

Ah. Yeah. That whole conflict of interests clause.