Will Over PAy for ka24de Cometic/ka24e Arp Head Studs

Ok guys its crunch time for me and my bud. in order to have the drifter ready by may 10th
Im going to have to buy these through somone else

heres the story, My co-pilot Dan and I poped my head gasket on my ka24e-t a few months back. thats a seperate story BUT. after we poped the HG we went directly to Apex Modified in edmonton and asked them to order up some ka24e head studs along with a ka24de comtic HG, needless to say I do not have these things yet and they were ordered like a month and a half ago. SO since they are not here and my 150$ deposite is just sitting at apex im going to have to find these items some where else.

IM in DESPERATE need of ka24e ARP head studs.
im also in DESPERATE need of a ka24de cometic head gasket.

I need these items by MAY 6th LATEST

I will over pay for these items as much as 370$ for the pair. as long as they are here by may 7th.

lol now thats deperate .

Call AMS, Get them overnighted, Boom they are here in one day

You have noooooooooooooo Idea how badly i need these hahaha

The AMS site has studs for the ka24de, Iv heard mixed things about using a de stud on a e head. I know the block etc are the same, but Iv heard the de head is either tall or shorter then the E.

So to clear things up, will they work?

Also try bings.ca.

call up autodream man marv always has this shit sitting around and if not he can get it fast