Win ME vs Win XP

Masturbating with sandpaper > ME

I acutally enjoyed ME because of it’s newer driver database. I didn’t have any problems with it.


I was afraid to post it, but I felt the same way. I had a ME machine when I was in school. Worked great for mild gaming, word processing, and running VB6. Plus ME could boot in about 15-20 seconds if you optimized your system.

But to say ME > XP is nuts.

So wrong, but I lol’d.


you found drivers for shit for ME? lol

3com 905c network adapter to be exact. Windows 98 SE didn’t have them natively, WinMe did. WinME also booted faster than 98.

ME is similar to 98 and 95… they are all loosely based off the same code…

2000 and above was off the windows NT

yes ME wasn’t compatible with shit… but 98 and 95 sucked too…